St. Judas Seven: Winona Taylor

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Name: Winona Taylor (her parents named her Winnie-Mae Delphine Buchanan but nobody jerks off to a name like that)

Sex: Female, and usually only when she's making money. Nobody's getting laid if she's not getting paid.

Age: 19

Physical Appearance: If you conjured up the image of a Southern Belle in your mind, chances are you'd imagine a girl like Winona. The men who occupy her time often remark that she looks younger in person than she does on camera but she's never had any real complaints; the kind of people that seek her out aren't the type to say no to a pretty young face. She has soft blue eyes and delicate, rosy features that are more suited to being featured in a Victorian painting than a series of tasteful nude photographs. Some people think her strawberry-blonde ringlets make her look angelic but she knows better and so would the devout Christians that make up her father's most loyal constituency. When you look at her, really look at her, you can see why people are drawn to her. As young as she is, Winona has sex appeal in spades and she sure knows how to use it. The men in her life think that they're in control but when you see beyond her innocent exterior, you'll see a girl who knows she's calling the shots.

Personality: Looks can be deceiving, something that Winona has always illustrated perfectly. While she was smart enough to graduate high school when she was only sixteen, her intelligence is often overshadowed by her charming nature because she's "lovely inside and out" and her words always have a delicate Southern twang to them. Like her father, she was born to be a politician but unlike her father, she treats her fellow man with a little compassion and empathy. She doesn't think that being kind makes her weak but she knows that there are people who would take advantage of her good nature. Luckily, she's better at playing people than she is at being played. Winona doesn't mean to be manipulative but it's a talent that doesn't go unused in her day to day life. She knows it's not right to take advantage of people but it's either that or be taken advantage of herself. Although she looks like a naive country girl, she's more street smart than she gets credit for. But Winona firmly believes that she's a good person, albeit a complicated one. A good person who knows how to have a good time. That's for sure.

Background: Nobody starts taking their clothes off on camera because they're trying to make their parents proud, let's just get that out of the way. Especially not when you have parents like Julie Sullivan and Jed Buchanan. When you're the child of a world-renowned violinist and an infamous Republican Senator, there's a lot of pressure to be perfect. And not only did Winona survive that pressure when she was young, she thrived under it. Whatever your idea of the perfect child is, Winnie-Mae Buchanan would've made them look like a snot-nosed loser. She was every parent's dream kid and her father's pride and joy once he took sole custody of her and her five siblings following the Buchanan's messy divorce. Class President, Valedictorian, Most Likely to Succeed. When she graduated high school early and left Georgia to study Economics at Stanford, it seemed as if she'd keep on being her father's perfect daughter and carry on her father's legacy. But good girls have a history of going bad and Winnie-Mae was no exception. And ever the over-achiever, she turned her rebellious phase into some very lucrative business ventures. If her father ever found out, he'd kill her for sure but Winona is good at what she does and she's even better at keeping secrets.

Other: Her channel has gotten very popular in the last few months so while Winona knows that it's only a matter of time before rumors begin to swirl about what she does, she doubts that anyone will believe them. Even if they've seen the proof.

Author Games: Red RoomWhere stories live. Discover now