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95kim yoongs

95kim alert!! yoongi!!!

95kim smh you failure of a pal

daeguboy what? i was otp with jimin :/

95kim oh, sorry )):

95kim but!!!

95kim do you remember that boy that i was head over heels for a few months ago?

daeguboy barely

daeguboy but for why?

95kim he's in my dms rn and i'm freaking

95kim like in the chat i'm cool and disinterested bc i gotta keep up the brand 😤😤 but irl i'm all like "you bITcH" bc )): he broke my heart

daeguboy you never talked to him??? how did he-

95kim he told me to stop staring at him and then called me the f word ):

daeguboy gasp,,, jimin would never treat me that way

95kim ok but what do i do bc this is my cHAN Ce

daeguboy talk to him irl?  ask him about it and tell him who you are?? like a normal person ?

95kim ohooohhhohioh yoongi, baby boy, you know that being forward about things isn't my motto & i don't tell anyone who i am except for you and chim ):

daeguboy right.

daeguboy how could i forget

95kim you're getting old so the dementia is probably setting in

daeguboy nvm i won't help you, meanie

95kim NONO

95kim YOONGS

95kim i kid i kidd

95kim ily boo 😘

daeguboy :/

daeguboy what if you just told him that you went to his school.  give him paranoia and all of that. 

daeguboy get something juicy out of him first though

daeguboy then tell him and he'll freak out

95kim ur a god

daeguboy almost

it was my first day of junior year today & i made a joke about how i was dyslexic to my teacher and as we walked into the class he was like "it's okay to be dyslexic.  it's not like it's a big disease or anything." and i wanted to DIE.  last year was my first year in this school district so i barely know most of my class and just eesh.  also my coach is lowkey cute uwu

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