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95kim are we going to stay together

jjkooks that's the plan, stan

95kim off and on seems to be your thing though

jjkooks i promise we'll stay together

95kim no backsies and crosses don't count?

jjkooks and IM the kid

95kim obviously

jjkooks what's with your name anyway

95kim what

jjkooks "95kim" what does it mean

jjkooks is that how many of you are in the world? which one is the best one?

95kim me

95kim i'm the best AND most popular

jjkooks idk about THE best

95kim ))): kook

jjkooks i kid i kid

jjkooks what's it mean tho

95kim it's my birth year???

95kim i thought that was obvious

jjkooks ohhhhhh

95kim ohmygod r u fr

jjkooks 1995

95kim yes ofc

jjkooks the year that the loml was born

95kim ew stop

95kim dont be like that

jjkooks 1995

jjkooks that's a dumb birth year

95kim wkdjrj WOW ok

jjkooks do you know what year is better than 1995?

95kim what

jjkooks 1997 (:

95kim ew lmao who was born that year

jjkooks the goat 🙌🐐

95kim jake paul?

95kim 😍😍

jjkooks CHOKE

jjkooks NO

jjkooks guess again

95kim kylie jenner

95kim a queen

jjkooks you think you're funny

95kim bella thorne

95kim hi, my name is bella thorne and this is the story about the time i found out i had dyslexia

jjkooks stop

95kim  i remember when i started first grade. right away, it was awful because i couldn't read as well as the other kids


95kim is it some loser named jeon jungkook that you're calling the goat?

jjkooks yes

95kim bc i disagree

jjkooks .........

95kim the goat was born in 1995 lmao bye 👋👋

jjkooks ksjejd i hate

95kim jeon jungkook is a close third

jjkooks who is second???

95kim my papi: jake paul 😔✊💯💯

jjkooks i'm-

jjkooks bye

95kim lmaoo

95kim no wAit


95kim P U SS Y

95kim come back ))):

1995 | kth + jjkWhere stories live. Discover now