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new message!

jhobies How are you doing?

jjkooks )-:

jhobies I'm sorry, kookie

jjkooks you don't have to be.  nothing is your fault, it's mine tbh

jhobies wtf how

jjkooks i let myself believe that he actually liked me.  that maybe someone had genuinely looked past everything and saw me for me, but he was just doing it to get back at me.  and that's okay because i deserve it, but it just makes my chest hurt whenever i think about it

jhobies it's not your fault

jjkooks hoseok, it just is though.  if anything, it's both of ours.  we created this and started it knowing it wouldn't end well. 

jjkooks he also warned me, hoseok.  he told me it wouldn't work and that i would leave and i told him i wouldn't leave and here we are and it's just

jjkooks i'm an idiot

jhobies shut up, kook

jhobies why'd you stop talking to him anyways?

jjkooks he lied to me

jjkooks he told me that i was never mean to him- i was.  all the time.  he told me that he thought i was cute and that he liked my smile- he doesn't.  he made me think that he actually had feelings as well, but he clearly doesn't.  he made it all up because he couldn't handle a few slurs. 

jjkooks i get it, i do, but did it have to go that far?

jhobies it shouldn't have started imo

jjkooks i started it

jjkooks i messaged him first

jhobies and he replied

jjkooks he just said "thanks ig"

jjkooks i miss him so much )))-:

jhobies don't text him.  that's the last thing you want to do


two: i'm almost to 200 views and im emotional bc this book sucks and i plan on rewriting it when i'm done but the fact that around 8 ppl read most chapters warms my heart so ty <33

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