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new message!

jjkooks what

jhobies You're alive!!

jjkooks obviously

jhobies Did you see ):

jjkooks see what

jhobies The chat

jjkooks oh yeah lol

jhobies How much of it did you read

jjkooks none, i deleted it

jhobies I'm sorry

jjkooks for what

jhobies I told them what happened when I shouldn't have. It was your personal business and I know you didn't read it but I wanted to let you know simply because I feel terrible about it and you deserve to know

jjkooks it's okay, hoseok. it's fine, really

jjkooks thank you for being a good friend

jhobies You're not mad?

jjkooks how could i be

jjkooks it's better if he knows than if he thinks i did it simply because i lost feelings. i just didn't want to do it

jhobies I love you

jjkooks i love you too, hobi

hashtag hate this story more than i hate carrots but i already finished it so gang gang )^:

i will try 2 fix it soon yikes

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