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Taehyung let out a strained cough as he tucked his face into his scarf, eyeing the doors of the Arts Center. Sure, today was the same as yesterday, last Tuesday, and even the first day of his classes, but what happened afterwards seemed to be searing itself into the cold walls of his stomach.

Just a couple steps away Taehyung would be face to face with Jungkook for the first time in quite awhile and he couldn't even begin to process what to think.

He'd woken up this morning with the same swollen feeling in his chest and the same heavy weight lulling on his eyelids, yet something inside of him stirred and that's when he decided to finally do it: Taehyung would talk to Jungkook.

Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in, Taehyung pushed himself forward and hurried inside of the bustling halls of frantic students. Lecture would begin in approximately fifteen minutes from now.

Fifteen minutes was all Taehyung had.

Twenty minutes was what he really needed.

Taehyung carefully maneuvered himself inside of the fairly empty classroom and searched for Jungkook. Some students had already decided to pull out their computers and begin editing while others finished up last night's quiz. Jungkook, however, prided himself in front of his group of friends and roared with laughter whenever they seemed to. It was like a flock of sheep had decided to take a photography course in college.

Ignoring every ounce of his body screaming for him to "Abort mission," and "retreat," Taehyung pushed through Jungkook's friends and glued himself in front of the now dazed, black haired beauty.

Being this close to him always astounded Taehyung. It had happened many times in the bathroom whenever Jungkook and his friends were having a tag team wrestling match with Tae: Six-to-One. It had even happened when Jungkook found Taehyung crying in the Janitor's closet just last month and told him to stop being "Such a pussy," and then threw him some napkins. The gesture was nice, but the impact of the box was the very opposite.

Now, Taehyung stood in front of him and he felt his entire body tingle. Here is the boy he spent countless nights texting with and flirting back and forth. Here is the boy who constantly told Taehyung how much he cared for him and wished they could meet.

Here is the same boy that told Taehyung he was worth nothing more than a few cents and a gloryhole plug. Some washed up wannabe idol that couldn't quite make it since he was gay.

"Go out with me," Taehyung blurted.

"Exc-Excuse me?"

"Go out on a date with me, Kooks."

It was then that Jungkook's face contorted from confusion to realization. It lasted only a few moments before Jungkook began laughing and slapping Taehyung on the shoulder.

"Nice one, Taehyung," He breathed, somewhat harshly as he shoved Taehyung back away from him. "I'm sorry but I'm not gay. I don't do the whole faggot thing, you know?"

Taehyung nodded, seeing as he expected nothing more than this response. So he blinks. He blinks to wipe away the tears. He blinks to also allow himself to see Jungkook's face. Although the boy's actions were venomous, he, himself, was the epitome of purity and godliness. "I figured you didn't," Taehyung said before taking a step back to clear himself from the small crowd. "I figured this was all a joke, yeah?"

That's when Jungkook's face finally faltered and he stared at Taehyung with the same gaze that Taehyung glared back. That's when all of the pieces seemingly fell into place.

Taehyung gripped his bookbag tighter and nodded towards Jungkook, "You promised."

this is TRASH, but ly: answer released today and the air feels clean again. rise up, bless up, our kings have provided

also lmao i'm sorry in advanced for this chapter— i succ at writing ): but i'm taking ap language and composition so hopefully as the year progresses i will figure things out ty

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