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jjkooks you're not out yet?

95kim i am. why?

jjkooks the comments on your last post about us

95kim oh, they probably aren't really active followers of mine.  i came out on my story about two years ago lmao,, i also talk about it a lot so

jjkooks ohhhh, when did you know you were gay?

95kim around the age of 9 when i started getting crushes and stuff and it all seemed to be on boys. i was never "straight" if that's any help to you

jjkooks how'd you know you were ready to come out?

95kim when my instagram started taking off i was like, "i should probably tell them," in the real world though, everyone kind of already knew and i never denied it so :/

95kim how about you?

jjkooks on coming out or being gay?

95kim both (:

jjkooks i knew i was definitely gay since around a few months ago when i started taking interest in some guy in my class lol. i guess i'm a late bloomer. i never really liked girls, i mean, i guess i'm bi bc girls don't turn me off it's just like i can't seem to like them as much as i like a guy

95kim and coming out?

jjkooks i'm not out yet :/

95kim oh, figured

jjkooks gASP

jjkooks WDYM FIgured

95kim you just seem like the kind of guy that isn't out yet, yanno?

jjkooks i guess that's understandable since it's true but still ): it's hard and out of anyone you'd know the most

jjkooks i'm scared of what people will think of me tbh

95kim if they're good friends of yours you won't have to worry about that

jjkooks idk if any of my friends are that good. that's the problem )-:

95kim then find some that are good friends

95kim who was the guy?

jjkooks the guy??

95kim the one you mentioned earlier that you liked a couple months back

jjkooks OH

jjkooks uhhhhhhh

jjkooks it was my friend jimin

jjkooks but rip lol 😔✊💯💯 haha

95kim oh yeah, i forgot you knew jimin. we have a mutual friend!!

jjkooks gASP YEAH

jjkooks what if we've already met and i just don't know it yet but you do :00

95kim hmmmm

jjkooks have we? you know how i look so can you remember ever seeing me?

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