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jjkooks wtf taehyung

95kim lol

jjkooks actually fuck you

95kim you wanted to meet

jjkooks don't ever talk to me again

95kim i thought you were becoming a better person? keeping promises ):

jjkooks yeah, but not for a liar

95kim i told you i lied to you

95kim i told you that you wouldn't want to still talk to me after you found out who i was

95kim i warned you that you wouldn't like me and you said that even if i was the worst person in the world you still would

jjkooks and i do, unfortunately

jjkooks but i can get over it

95kim you already are

95kim i figured that out earlier today

jjkooks you didn't figure out shit, taehyung

jjkooks you can't expect me to say yes to some random weirdo in my class vs. someone who i've talked to for hours

jjkooks i liked you because of our conversations not because of how you look

jjkooks fuck you

95kim apparently it is about looks

jjkooks you think that i think you're ugly?

95kim ofc because that's what this is about

jjkooks no, it isn't

jjkooks when have i ever, in my entire life, implied you were ugly or unattractive

jjkooks i never have. because i don't target appearances taehyung. you believe i do because you're insecure and that's why you hide online, but never have i once made anything that happened between us about how you looked.

jjkooks it was because you're some weird kid that sits in my class and you're easy. that's why i did those things. said those things. it's because we all knew you were gay and would fall for it and that's why we did it. because you were an easy target.

jjkooks you probably did all of this so you could get out of that? yeah? so we'd stop? that's why you talked me into it?

95kim you suggested that yourself. i was venting to you as a friend

jjkooks shut up

jjkooks we're not friends

jjkooks we never were and we never will be

95kim that's what i've been trying to tell you

95kim you didn't ever actually care for me, you cared for who you thought i was. you only liked the idea you made of me.  who you wanted me to be, and now that it's not some idealistic guy: you're mad

jjkooks i'm mad because i told you stuff i've never told anyone & you embarrassed me in front of our class and then online so

jjkooks fuck

jjkooks you

95kim you wish

jjkooks no

jjkooks you wish, creep

jjkooks don't ever talk to me again

95kim lol

i think this chapter was lowkey rlly bad but leggo

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