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new message!

jjkooks i miss you.

jjkooks idk why i keep messaging you, but i miss you and i'm sad and usually i'd come to you about it but i can't because of what happened yet here i am and idk what to do i just really miss you and everything hurts and i can't just stop being sad and it sucks

jjkooks i hate you so much

95kim i'm sorry

jjkooks did you mean any of it?

jjkooks at least one part?  did you mean something?

jjkooks why couldn't you just accept those nudes i offered and leak them?  you know, after that was when i really started to like you because that's when i felt that you were being genuine. 

jjkooks after that was when i fully let myself like you in the dumb middle schooler way of like-like and if i would've known it was all fake, i would've never followed you in the first place.

jjkooks i hate you

jjkooks i hate you

jjkooks i hate you

95kim i meant it

jjkooks what parts

95kim all of it, kookie ):

jjkooks don't lie to me

jjkooks you said we were built on trust and honesty so wtf did all of that mean to you?

95kim jungkook

95kim i liked you way before you even found my account

95kim i liked you when you pushed me down, when you wrote nasty things on my desk, when you'd sneer at me every time i even looked your way.  i liked you when you'd accidentally spill your lunch all over my essays and projects so i had to skip my lunch or even stay up extra late at night to redo them despite my classes starting early.  i liked you when you forced the boys onto me as some elaborate gay joke to you, i liked you when you opened the bathroom stall on me and sent photos to the whole campus, and i liked you when you messaged me and complimented me and i thought it was one big prank.  i liked you when i thought you knew it was me even though there was no way of knowing.  i liked you then, and i still like you because, jungkook, through all of that, i still believe you're a good person. 

jjkooks i hate you

95kim i've figured that out by now

jjkooks i'm not mad that it's you

jjkooks i'm mad that you never told me to stop and even though we had become friends, you lied.  you knew i had lied.  you knew i was still being rude to you towards the beginning but you lied to me and made me think you believed me.  i'm mad at you because you let me think i was better than i was and that we had a chance.

95kim you made me think that too

jjkooks why didn't you tell me

95kim i didn't want you to leave

jjkooks how'd that work out for you

95kim idk it depends

jjkooks on what

95kim you

95kim on if you still think we can fix this and move past all of that

jjkooks i hate you

95kim i hate me too

jjkooks i know i don't deserve it but please don't lie to me ever again )-:

95kim i won't

95kim i'm sorry, jungkook

jjkooks i'm so sorry, tae

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