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jjkooks why didn't you just ask me out

95kim don't talk to me

jjkooks why didn't you go up to my desk anyways, even though i was ignoring you, and ask me out

jjkooks why did you let me leave

95kim you read the group chat?

jjkooks of course i fucking read it

95kim i'm sorry for adding you

jjkooks why didn't you ask me out

95kim i didn't want you to snap at me or say something mean. you looked upset that day and i didn't want to go back to the other end of that anger.

95kim why didn't you read my texts

jjkooks i did

jjkooks i turned off read receipts

95kim why

jjkooks i didn't want to talk to you

95kim why

jjkooks bc i can't talk to you

95kim you can, you just decide that you don't want to

95kim which isn't fair to me

95kim i don't even get a goodbye

jjkooks you didn't ask me on the date


95kim imagine being emotionally and physically assaulted each day by someone you really care about for god knows why, only to finally get them, and as soon as that happens they stop talking to you

95kim don't you think there's some sort of fear that maybe you'll go back to how it started and square one will always be one step in front of you?

95kim you don't get that because you've never experienced it

jjkooks why did you even like me in the first place

95kim bc you were nice to others and i wanted to experience that

95kim i guess i could, but only in a short burst

95kim why did you even remain talking to me

jjkooks why won't you ask me on the date

95kim answer my question first

jjkooks no

95kim then don't talk to me.

ughhgjjdj )))):

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