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jjkooks are you okay?

95kim yeah lmao

jjkooks your recent post )-:

95kim i'm the one that broke up with him

jjkooks what was his name

95kim cheong eunchul

jjkooks jeon jungkook sounds better

95kim yeah, too bad he's not gay

jjkooks ? he is

jjkooks last i heard he was at least

95kim yet he's been dating a girl for two entire years

jjkooks they're off and on

jjkooks also being bi is a thing

95kim too bad he's bi, then

jjkooks he mostly likes guys though, trust me

95kim doesn't seem like it

jjkooks that's because you haven't seen it first hand

95kim guess not

95kim idk if i want to anymore though

95kim kinda got tired of him

jjkooks ouchie

jjkooks you could ?

95kim you have a girlfriend ? i'm sorry but i don't talk to cheaters bye

jjkooks i said we were off and on, hence rn we're off

95kim no thanks, you're not gay enough for me

95kim and i have someone else i'm off and on with rn so

jjkooks i liked you way before you liked me

95kim lol

95kim ok ?

jjkooks that's why i remained talking to you

jjkooks i liked you since the first day of the photography class.

jjkooks there were other gay kids in there, you know that

jjkooks but i only messed with you bc i didn't know how else to talk to you without everyone making fun of me for being gay

jjkooks so when they did start doing that, it's when i stopped

jjkooks i liked you way before you even knew who i was

jjkooks remember that time that i told you i liked a guy but i told you it was jimin? it wasn't. it was you, but at the time i didn't know who you were and there was a chance of you going to my school so i panicked because for a second i did think the person behind your account could be you so i said jimin, just in case, but i meant you

jjkooks i liked you

jjkooks i loved you

95kim i loved you too

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