let's talk.

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i'm sorry for posting this chapter out of the blue, especially after never coming on here other than to read ur comments and such, but please, if you have any spare time, i beg of you to read this.

this book is my only outlet that has a following that actually pays attention.  i only use personal social medias regularly, so knowing ARMY have a strong impact and can get things done, i have a small request which doesn't take much time.

i'm sure many of you have already heard of the protests going on in america and now many other places as well. 

if you haven't, here is a very brief summary, which can be further looked into through twitter/instagram/facebook/etc: police brutality and racism has been harming poc for years, riots are happening all over in retaliation to such events.  people are begging for equality and being told to keep silent by police and other oppressors.

peaceful protestors are being teargassed, hit with metal bullets encased in rubber which is causing harm to their bodies, unborn children, and much more.

anyways, if you've made it this far, thank you for listening to that small spiel, but i'm moving on to the request i have.

i have posted the blm carrd link going around that has many petitions, donation sites, ways to help, text/calling for support, and protests.  if you could please just check it out and help, it would be much appreciated. 

thank you.

thank you so much.

i hope you are all staying safe in times like these and i absolutely love each and every one of you.

xoxo <33

also happy pride my lil babies & if you are going to any of these protests, please make sure to wear appropriate clothing and have the necessary items.

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