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jjkooks hEY

95kim yeah?

jjkooks we haven't talked in weeks )-:

95kim oh, sorry about that

jjkooks is everything alright?  is that boy being hecking rUDE again?

95kim in all ways but physical: yes

95kim but it's not him

95kim i'm just really invested into my studies rn

jjkooks too invested to talk to me? )-:

95kim especially to talk to you smh loser

jjkooks ouchie

jjkooks imma pretend you didn't say that

jjkooks anyways, there's this kid in my photography class, right?

95kim right right

jjkooks well, all of my friends and i kind of secretly make comments about him and stuff

95kim who is it?

jjkooks you wouldn't know him lol

jjkooks i don't think he really has many friends imo

jjkooks not being rude or anything, bc i don't do that anymore, but i just never see him talk to anyone

95kim i might know him?? i know quite a few people

jjkooks ok well his name is taehyung, i think??  do you know him

95kim not a clue haha

jjkooks right well today was weird

95kim ?

jjkooks idk usually he never does anything except for glance our way every now and again which is a little weird bc

jjkooks idk why tbh

jjkooks i guess it's because he's never talked to us, but whatever

jjkooks today though, he started crying and it was quiet yet very obvious since the room was silent

95kim )))))):

jjkooks and honestly, i'm not the kid's BIGGEST fan bc he's probably one of the very few who i do happen to go out of my way to make feel bad which sucks because the only reason i do that is because he's different from everyone else if i'm being 100% honest here

jjkooks but i wanted to go over and hug him and ask if everything was alright.  see if he was okay and help him, since i promised i'd start being more kind

95kim you didn't though

jjkooks yeah )-: i didn't

jjkooks i feel really bad about it but right as i was going to go over there, this girl started talking to me and then he ran out of the room and it would be suspicious if i chased after him so i gave up but idk where he is right now or if he's still sad and it's bothering me

jjkooks usually it wouldn't, but it is

95kim i'm sure just the thought of you comforting him probably cheered him up, if he ever found out

jjkooks you think?

95kim yeah maybe

95kim you're a good person, kook

jjkooks you say that but do you mean it

95kim i try to

jjkooks good enough tbh

jjkooks when will we meet again and know it's each other

jjkooks just wondering

95kim ig it depends on a lot of things

jjkooks does it have to?

95kim to me, yeah

jjkooks i feel like you don't trust me )-:

95kim have you ever gave me a reason not to?

95kim i value trust a lot so if you've never lied to me then we should be good

jjkooks okay

jjkooks faith, trust

jjkooks and

95kim tiddy busts

jjkooks i feel like i've been as honest as i can be with you tho

jjkooks with the level of friendship we're at

jjkooks have you ever given me a reason not to trust you?

95kim yes

95kim but within reason

jjkooks what reason?

95kim how much i actually enjoy talking to you on here

jjkooks you'll enjoy it more in person ((-;

95kim okay

jjkooks okay?

95kim let's meet


jjkooks wHEN OMG WHat



95kim after next week

95kim if you still want to



hi, i uploaded these at work but the next part might be the only chapter of this book that's written out in story format since it's when they meet lol bye

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