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daeguboy taehyung

daeguboy we need to talk

daeguboy you're an absolute idiot

95kim you told me to do something like that

daegukim i didn't mean make him catch feelings for you

daeguboy what happened to don't fight fire with fire

95kim he's fine. have you seen his recent?

daeguboy you're an idiot x2

daeguboy he keeps calling jimin drunk

daeguboy wtf tae

95kim that's not my fault

95kim you shouldn't fall for people who you don't know

daeguboy he's talking about switching majors, tae

95kim and?

daeguboy wtf has gotten into you?

95kim no one cares about how i feel so why should i care about how they feel

daeguboy because you're supposed to be the better person

95kim i never asked for that

daeguboy you're unbelievable

95kim ):

daeguboy i expected more from you

95kim everyone does

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