6 # Back story

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So back with a quick, short update. This update as title suggests would give back story of Swara  which is quite crucial and you will be meeting some new characters. 

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  There's so much grey to every story - nothing is so black and white. - Lisa Ling


Sumitra Bose, Second wife of Sekhar Bose. Their marriage was not out of love but of convenience. After unfortunate death of his first wife Sharmistha in an epidemic, Sekhar reluctantly bowed down to his mother Parvati's wish of second marriage , not because he needed a wife but his daughter Swara, needed a mother.

Sharmistha and Shekhar fell in love during college days. Despite vehement protests of his parents, Sekhar chose to marry Sharmistha, who belonged to lower caste and was prepared to leave Kolkata which forced his parents to accept this alliance. Prakash Bose, Sekhar's Father owned a little business in Kolkata. They had a humble beginning but with Sekhar joining in, the business found a new lease of life and eventually Prakash warmed up to his Son and daughter in law, who never gave a chance to complain and adhered to every norm set in ,willingly. Only Parvati didn't.

Parvati Bose , known for her big mouth , quarrelsome and dominant nature had many dreams for her son and couldn't bare Sharmistha to be her bahu. But she didn't have an option, her son didn't leave any. It came across as a shock when Sekhar announced the news of his relation with Sharmistha and his intentions to marry her .Parvati tried every resort to change his mind , but Sekhar was adamant and they had to give in at the end.

She always looked for chance to trouble Sharmistha, but Sharmistha never complained which was source of irritation for Parvati and above all her husband seemed to accept them wholeheartedly which was grate on her sore wound.

Losing her parents at young age ,Sharmistha was brought up by relatives where she was treated as nothing but burden. She grew up feeling the need to be loved and cared.Sekhar walked into her life like a boon and filled the void. Her marriage life with Sekhar was going perfect other than her mother in law. Sharmistha tried her best to win heart of Parvati , but Parvati's hatred blinded her towards Sharmistha's pious nature.

But fortune was smiling upon Shekhar and Sharmistha. The business was going well and soon they were blessed with their bundle of joy , Swara. Sharmistha wished this would warm up Parvati towards her but Parvati only had more complaints. She wanted a grandson and Swara being a girl and spitting image of Sharmistha fueled her hatred more which she buried within. She was minority so she chose to stay silent but the ill feelings nursed within.

Little Swara never had a clue why dadi resented her when rest of family loved her to bits and pieces. When she questioned her parents on same she was told they did something which angered Dadi and they hoped she would forgive them soon.

That's when Swara decided she would never do something which will anger her Dadi or rest of family.Being loved felt like a better option than inviting wrath of loved ones. Life had been going smooth but very soon tragedy struck Bose family as Sharmistha fell victim to an epidemic break out. It was at age of 6, Swara lost her mother. Sekhar drowned himself in sorrow and drink unable to come to terms with loss of his wife.

That's when Parvati decide to get Sekhar married again. Swara was the reason given. Sekhar protested idea first but he gave in after continuous pressure from his mother. That's how Sumitra entered Bose Family. Sumitra had always been first choice for Sekhar .But since Sekhar chose Sharmistha, Sumitra was married to Brijesh . Like the fate would have it Brijesh fell victim to same epidemic .Sumitra was left with 5 year old daughter ,Kavita. Then It came down to matter of convenience.Swara needed mother and Kavita, a father figure .

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