33 # BreakPoint

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Hi All

Back with an update.Warning: drama ahead, lol.

Happy Reading. Please ignore any errors or typos found.


What the hell is she doing here? was Sanskaar's first thought. It took a minute and quick scan for Sanskaar to realise, Kavita is donning the exactly same avatar of Swara.

It was Swara back there in his arms, he would bet his life ...but where the hell is she? His eyes looked around totally oblivious of fact Kavita had stepped closer. Then his eyes caught the silhouette, an outline of black. His heart vouched it's Swara.

Is this some prank Bose sisters are trying to pull on him? was his second thought

Sanskaar didn't feel good about it. He definitely needs to have a word with Swara and make it clear, his disapproval of involving third parties in their equation. His thoughts halted as Kavita invaded his personal space and his instinct was to step back. But he didn't. And waited ..to watch how far she would let this go on.

"So finally, you figured out I am your masked girl, Sanskaar" Kavita whispered, trying hard to sound sexy.

Like really? He would laugh off in other scenarios at the joke. Did they really think they could fool him on this? At least they could have spared this special night, their special moment. For the first time, he felt the anger simmering. He found strange hands snaking up over his shoulders. His fists curbed the need to push Kavita away, yet he didn't ... still, hope flickering. For once his eyes didn't leave her black form, playing hide and seek.

Some other woman was holding him, right here, in front of her eyes, Yet it didn't bother her. He would have ripped apart if some other man touched his Swara. And it was cringy, the way Kavita was holding on to him. Enough! This is getting out of hands. Pushing away from the new theory, his mind was spinning. It can't be ...

He waited...only to watch her disappear leaving only blackness behind.

Sanskaar froze, an icy feeling hitting his nerves. His mind quickly reeled in. Swara's silence whole evening, her abrupt missing, Kavita turning up in the same dress, the same venue holding Swara's mask claiming to be his masked girl. Then it struck him. This is no prank but a planned move, to lead him to ...Kavita?

Something snapped inside him that very moment. A sharp stab of deceit right on his heart by the very one holding it, the very night he bared his heart to her and bowed down to her love.

Of all Swara?

He stood silent, totally ignoring Kavita hands around him. He didn't feel a thing, his eyes still fixed on darkness stretched before him, tears stinging his eyes. One night she robbed his heart and this night she left it broken. His love, his assassin.

Then he spoke, his words devoid of any emotion, "Glad, you are unmasked."


Swara sobbed silently, her face buried in a mass of pillows. This night wasn't supposed to end this way.

"You called this upon yourself, didn't you?" A voice chided her. True, and it all started on an evening. An evening, when Sumitra assembled the Bose family members barring Adi who was out of town for a tournament. Swara felt a little thrill when Sumitra shared her favourable opinion on Sanskaar and his being a possible prospect match. It was only till she took the name of Kavita.

"Since Kavita loves Sanskaar ..."

Swara froze. Kavita loves ...Sanskaar? When and How? Her eyes moved to Kavita who probably was excited at the news and back to Sumitra, a happy face, she had not seen in ages. But ...

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