20 # Maze Runner

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Hola People, Wishing you all a Merry Christmas again.

Feels good to be back and if you are here, Thank you for keeping up with a long wait.

Here comes the update ... Be warned not much of direct Swasan scenes but I promise, from next update you will have a healthy dose of them. This part is crucial for story movement in many terms. I hope you guys understand. Please ignore errors and typos.

Happy Reading.


There are two types of people. One who is content with what they have and the other, who crib and complain about what they don't have, Kavita Bose definitely belonged to the second category.

Kavita, Daughter of Brijesh and Sumitra, born in the second year of their marriage, had always been a pampered kid as a child. Her being the only child, Brijesh catered to her wish and it didn't take much time for Kavita to turn into a spoilt brat. Things would have gone smoothly, if not for the untimely death of Brijesh. Sumitra's marriage to Sekhar stirred the things further.

It hadn't been easy for any of them, this sudden new development.

While both Sekhar and Sumitra tried to tackle transition smoothly, the same couldn't be said to the kids. Kavita, who had been the centre of attraction all this while found herself stranded with a half-sister Swara, a shared room ... and worst of it, shared parents.

Kavita never warmed up to Swara and Sekhar 's natural inclination towards Swara just added to her budding resentment. Though not intentionally, Sekhar always found himself drawing parallels between Kavita and Swara.

He disapproved adamant ways of Kavita: 'get - me- what- I -want' contrary to Swara who in every way was the exact opposite to Kavita. Sekhar felt the need to curb this stubborn nature of Kavita early on and hardly catered to her unreasonable demands but Kavita took it otherwise.

'My dad would have never said no to me. He only loves Swara.' She would crib to Sumitra. When Sumitra would try to reason out. "You love Swara more now? Don't you?" would be her retort.

Sumitra always nursed the guilt of not being fair to Kavita. In a bid to win Sekhar's heart, and to avoid misconceptions of 'stepmother' she focused more on Swara in initial months of marriage making Kavita feel left out.

And Kavita exactly used this guilt to her advantage. Swara was the epitome of perfection, at least for Bose household barring Dadi. The gentle, obedient one with good grades ...which Kavita was not. Comparisons were naturally drawn which irked her further and the comments with good intentions such as.

"Kavita ...Let Swara help you out in this subject." were taken as an insult.

And the resentment grew with years. Swara's ever giving nature didn't help much either. In fact, it had a reverse effect on Kavita.

'She's doing it for attention to put me down before everyone. Just to show off.

Since she couldn't bring herself to be generous enough to give up her stuff she didn't mind having the share of Swara too. This seemed one way to get back to her.

She can be Miss goody two shoes Who cares? I will have all of hers.

Anything snatched away from Swara and having it for herself was of great pleasure for Kavita

It gave her a sadistic satisfaction and a balm on her wounded ego, from the time they were kids. But with Sekhar in the picture who believed in keeping kids grounded Kavita didn't have much say.

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