Chapter 2 Hunk's Cafe

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Keith had been trying to stay sane all week. Somehow, Lance had wriggled his way into Keith's brain in annoyingly frustrating but adorable way, and now Keith was ready to rip out his hair in frustration. Maybe it was because of the fact that Keith had been single since the sixth grade. Maybe it was because he had pretty much hidden from puberty in his basement playing racing videogames. Or maybe it was because the word 'crush' had never been a part of Keith's vocabulary. Whatever it was, Keith was frustrated but excited. Freaking Lance.

Keith sighed as he hung up his apron, checking his watch again to make sure that Hunk's was still open. He walked to his motorcycle, the only vehicle left outside the shop, and kicked off down the street, the red and black cycle purring softly beneath him. The streetlights glowed as he passed under them, illuminating him in flashes as he drove, his hair flinging in front of his eyes.

Keith had bought the motorcycle when he was 16, and, not to be emo, but it was 'an escape' for him. Of course, the disclaimer was ruined by the fact that he usually blasted My Chemical Romance or Fallout Boy while he drove, and sometimes even sang along when he was alone on the streets. He was a night owl, it's what he did.

Hunk's cafe lights were welcoming and warm as Keith pulled into the lot, parking carefully before jogging inside. People chatted in booths and worked on laptops, big white mugs of coffee and tea surrounding leaving rings on the scruffed tables.

Hunk, the tall, chunky owner was grinning at the customer he was serving, and whenever he laughed, the sound filled the room.

"Enjoy your coffee," Hunk was saying as Keith approached the counter, looking up at the chalkboard menus. Hunk also served pastries and bread, but everything had already sold out already.

"Hey Hunk," Keith said over the talk of the patrons.

"Keith!" Hunk immediately set to work on his friend's usual coffee, whirling around the small kitchen with the grace that was disposed of as soon as he left the shop. Hunk was the epitome of "bull in a china shop" anywhere other than the cafe.

"Have time to talk?" Keith asked, this time quieter, and Hunk mock-swooned.

"Anything for you, Keithie-pie!"

Keith rolled his eyes. He and Hunk walked over to an empty table and were settling in when a voice spoke up.

"The phrase actually isn't "Luke, I am your father." It's "No, I am your father." It's the Mandela effect. So interesting... Can I join you guys?"

Keith knew that voice.

"Pidge!" Hunk rumbled happily. The short figure looked up from her computer screen and smiled lightly.

Pidge's overall appearance was a boy, but Keith had never really known how to stop calling her a girl when she transitioned, so she had let him keep calling her a girl. She was very short, but was actually a freshman in college, even though she was smart enough to be at least 2 grades higher. Her large circular glasses clung to her nose like usual, even though she really didn't need them, and she cradled a heavy-duty black laptop in her arm, the screen illuminating her face.

"We were just about to go over Keith's love life," Hunk explained and Pidge shut her computer, quirking an eyebrow.

"He has one?"

"Not funny, shrimp," Keith grumbled, but they both cracked a smile.

"Sooo?" Hunk prompted, resting his elbows on the table, holding up his chin.

"A customer stopped by today... His name's Lance."

"You're gay?" Hunk whisper-screeched.

Pidge rolled her eyes. "You're really dense, Hunk."

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