Chapter 3 We Meet Again

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Keith gulped down water, face dripping sweat. Shiro slowed his treadmill to a fast walk, red-faced himself. "7 miles. Good time too." Keith was still too out-of-breath to speak, so he nodded, pinching his tank top and lifting it away from his damp skin. Shiro pulled his earbuds out and smiled tiredly at Keith, who was pouring the last drops of water in his mouth from his water bottle.

"Need more water," Keith wheezed, and they stepped off the treadmills.

"So tell me about this Lance guy," Shiro said, flicking the bleached piece of hair off his forehead. Shiro was tall and muscular and basically a model. He was like a big brother to Keith, and they'd been best friends since high school.

"He's a pain in the ass," Keith said between breaths.

"And...?" Shiro prompted.

"He's cute."

Shiro sighed and punched Keith lightly on the shoulder, which nearly made him fall over in his weak state.

"Shiro, you've wounded me," Keith deadpanned, and Shiro laughed.

"Well, you're withholding important information."

"He's a boy and I like him and he's pretty and, like, really confident, which is weird," Keith heaved, exasperated.

They were approaching a large crowd and Keith took it as an opportunity to change the subject.

"What's this?"

Shiro squinted. "One of the dance practice rooms, I think." They pushed through to the front, wanting to see the commotion.

'Electric', a slow, produced song, was playing over the external speakers so the crowd could hear the music. Inside the clear box, a couple danced. It took Keith a moment, and then he realized... The boy. That was Lance. What the fuck? He danced? And... holy shit... was that Allura? His boss? Keith blinked.

Lance held Allura's waist as she moved with robotic twists to the beat. He dropped the other way and they mirrored each other, then separating and doing the same moves side by side. It was awesome to watch, their limbs and chests moving in time, controlled and balanced. Allura wore black leggings and pastel pink Nike sneakers, with a white crop top that had a sketched lily-pad and pink lily flower on it. Shiro's breath caught up in his throat as he watched her smooth brown skin with contrast to her white hair.

Keith was glued to Lance though.

The song's beat died out, and the crowd dispersed. Lance and Allura fell apart and high fived, breathing heavy.

"Keith..." Shiro was the first to break the silence, "She's... beautiful."

Keith raised an eyebrow. "Dude, she's my boss."

Shiro's eyes widened, "Can you introduce me?"

"Uh-," Keith was cut off by Lance and Allura exiting the practice room, "Act natural," he hissed to the starstruck Shiro.

Allura was the one to notice the pair first. "Keith!"

He smiled sheepishly, "Hey, Allura."

"How are you?" She asked, rushing forward and hugging him tightly.

"I'm good. The shop's good."

"Oh, that's wonderful! I'm stopping by tomorrow, so you can have a break." Allura's accent made her seem 'proper', softening her 'r's and making her 'o's round.

"Hey, Keith!" Lance jogged up to Allura, then quirked an eyebrow, "Are you stalking me?"

Keith almost snorted, "No, no, no," he assured Lance, "Shiro, this is Lance and Allura."

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