Chapter 5 Sharpshooter

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Keith sat glumly t his desk at the flowershop, flicking a stand of kinetic balls the rhythmic clicks doing nothing to help him focus. Yesterday, he had told Lance he wanted to go on a date. It hadn't occurred to him at the time that he actually need to think of a place to go. They'd already done coffee, he wasn't a morning person so breakfast was out of the picture, dinner was too formal for someone like Lance, and Keith was too self-conscious to bring Lance to his house immediately. The beach was too forward for a first date, but the park wasn't romantic enough.

Keith sighed, frowning. How was he gonna- The bell on the door ringed happily, pulling Keith out of his thoughts. He looked up, and his face relaxed.

"Hey, Allura." Her sunny face was glowing as always as she looked around her shop, analyzing what had sold, what hadn't.

"Hello, Keith," her eyes smiled, "Something wrong? You look tired."

Keith looked sheepish, "You know me too well." Allura slid up to the counter and poked his forehead.

"What's wrong?"

"Lance," Keith admitted, and Allura's face lit up as she clapped her hands excitedly.

"Oooh!" she shrieked, a mischevious grin on her face as she wiggled her eyebrows at Keith, "I knew you two would be adorable together!"

Keith rolled his eyes, "Well that's not gonna happen unless I can think of somewhere to go for our first date."

Allura's expression dropped. "Are you daft?"

"Ally, just tell me, I feel stupid enough without you patronizing me."

"That's because you are stupid!" Allura put her hands on her hips, jutting out her chin, "The Carnival."

Keith sat back in his chair. "No, Allura. Absolutely not."

His boss deflated again, "What? Why not!"

"I get sick! All those creepy, spinning rides, and the weird carnies, and the bright lights..." He trailed off. Allura didn't budge. "And... and..." Keith's mind scrambled for another excuse, "what if Lance get's sick too?"

Allura placed her hands on the desk and sighed. "Keith, Lance is a dancer. I've seen him do 12 pirouettes in a row. He's not gonna get sick."

There was no getting out of this. And it was his only option unless he could think of something better, which was unlikely. "Allura... If I puke all over him, I'm blaming you."

"Yes, of course," she said excitedly, "Now call him! You have the day off on Saturday! Use it!"

"Will do," Keith replied weakly, pulling out his phone.

"I'll be in the storage room!" Allura paraded into the back, pleased with herself, but popped her back in again, smiling slowly, "And... if Shiro happens to call, just tell him I'll text him."

Keith groaned, "Ew, that's creepy. My boss dating my best friend... ugh... But yes, I'll tell him that."

"This is why I hired you, Keith! To get all your hot guy friends!" Allura laughed happily and vanished into the storage area. Keith turned back to his phone, scrolling through his contacts, heartbeat increasing little by little, and he didn't realize he was on autopilot until he was hearing the robotic tone ring and he was holding his phone to his ear. It rang for a while, and Keith was about to hang up- he was terrible at leaving voicemails.

Suddenly, a muffled sound and Lance's voice was through the phone.

"Hey, Keith," he said, sounding slightly out of breath.

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