Chapter 6 Sir Dab

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After an excruciatingly long procession of ride after ride, the fair started to close. Keith and Lance walked down the aisle of vendors, the salesmen calling out for last minute rounds. Something caught Lance's eyes and he stopped, Keith nearly losing him in the crowd.

The brunette was looking at a dart station, with balloons on the opposite wall. "That's adorable," Lance said quietly, and Keith knew immediately what he was looking at. Possibly the largest teddy bear he'd ever seen, fluffy, brown, and holding a plush heart in its shapeless paws.

Keith discreetly looked into his wallet for cash, then pulled Lance to the vendor, a bored-looking girl with straight corn-silk hair, who took Keith's cash silently before Lance could protest, and handed him 5 darts.

"Keith, no," Lance said, trying to be stern, but his smile escaped his lips anyway.

"Keith, yes." Aiming carefully, Keith drew back with a dart. A flick, and a pop- Keith hit the first balloon. And the next, the next, the next.

"It's five balloons for the bear," Lance whispered, and Keith nodded, weighing the last dart in his fingers. Flick, pop. The teenager handed Lance the teddy bear, who grinned goofily at his gift.

"You're so sweet," Lance crooned happily, and Keith rolled his eyes.

"Let's go, weirdo."

As they walked back to the lot, Lance looked down at his phone, suddenly he looked irritated.

"What's up?" Keith walked slowly beside Lance, as they were trailing in the back of the crowd.

"It's just my friends, they don't wanna pick me up. It's alright, I'll get a taxi." Keith was already shaking his head.

"Why don't I give you a ride?" He gestured at Lance's wallet, shrugging, "You don't have any cash anyways."

Lance looked up at him and quirked a smile. "Yeah... okay. You sure?" Keith nodded, wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans, blinking at Lance as the moonlight bounced off his blue eyes.

"Oh my god, you drive a motorcycle?" Lance said excitedly, clapping his hands to his cheeks.

"Yeah..." Keith said slowly, amused by Lance's reaction.

"You're so cool," Lance teased, but then frowned, "but where's Sir Dab gonna go?" He was genuinely concerned for the safety of the teddy bear.

"Sir Dab?" Keith was skeptical.

"Sir Dab is very dignified and respected, thank you very much," Lance replied in a nasally voice, sticking up his nose and pouting his lips.

"Yes, of course." Keith proceeded to take the bear from Lance and stuff it into the back hatch in his motorcycle, and it barely fit. Lifting the seat, Keith pulled out his helmet and the spare he carried, handing the latter to Lance. He was expecting Lance to complain, but the dancer shoved the helmet over his head without protest, bouncing with anticipation.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Lance slid onto the bike after Keith and slid his arms around Keith's stomach, interlacing his fingers loosely. Keith felt the warmth through his shirt and he smiled to himself under his helmet. Keith meandered through the parking lot, following the flow of traffic to get out, but once they were on the main road with no traffic, he accelerated and felt Lance tighten around him, chest on his back, chin on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Keith." Lance's whisper made it through the wind.


"Is this you?" Keith asked, slowing.

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