Chapter 23 Door Dance

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Studio B was huge. On the longer sides of its rectangular shape were sets of risers, three-tiered with chairs set upon them. Keith guessed there were at least 100 seats on both riders, then the chairs lined on the floor in front of them. People also stood on the edges of the huge floor space and some sat if they were in front.

Keith and Shiro found seats on the risers and people began filling in around them. The ceiling was high and a rack of multicolored lights hung from it, shining white for now. There was a control room in the corner with a glass door, and Keith could see a figure inside with a headset on, blinking lights around them as they technically controlled the theater.

Keith looked around, bright flashes of lights flaring into his eyes, reflecting off the mirrors that were behind the risers on the wall. It only took a few minutes for everyone to come in and sit down, which was surprising because there were so many patrons. Keith guessed they were just excited. He was, at least. After a few more minutes of waiting, the lights dimmed and the talking trailed off, leaving the crowd in whispers as a tall woman in a long skirt and sweater walked to the center of the studio, addressing the audience on all four walls of the room. She held a microphone and her hair was piled so high on top of her head that it added several inches to her height.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" She boomed in a strong voice. Shiro jumped in surprise and Keith snickered, elbowing Shiro lightly in the stomach to stop him from laughing. The two spent the first two minutes of the woman's speech biting their cheeks to hold back laughter. When they finally calmed down, the woman was ending, "So please silence your cell phones, remember to donate, and enjoy the show!" Applause flowed through the studio and the woman left the floor.

The studio went dark once again and whispers broke out. A strange song came out over the speakers and the crowd hushed. Snaps started over the track and for each beat, a spotlight came on over a dancer, revealing them as women, one hand on their hip, the other snapping to the beat. By the time the lyrics started, there were Seven women standing in a 'V'. They moved in sync, wearing shiny black pants and halter tops, flat stomachs glimmering with black glitter. It was a hip-hop dance, but the trendy kind, not the old-school kind.

Keith raised his eyebrows. They were actually pretty hot. If he hadn't been so gay for Lance, he would've thought they were attractively sexy. Keith looked at Shiro, but of course, he was loyal to Allura no matter what, sitting comfortably in his seat, interested but not attracted, paying no mind to the scantily-clad women. The dance ended and there was applause and quite a few whoops.

Next, a duet between a guy and a girl to a song from Hamilton. It was sweet and a ballet number. Keith thought it was adorable, and he forced himself to focus his eyes on the man's face, and not his interesting choice of tights for pants. He knew he would burst out laughing if he did. The dude was actually very good, but not as good as Lance, of course.

The dances went on and Keith found himself actually not bored. He was anxious for Lance to perform even though he knew that his boyfriend's dance was in the second act, but he still managed to enjoy the other dances too. They varied from modern to jazz to ballet to tap to hip-hop, salsas and tangos and attractive men in sequined suits.

Lances words came floating back to Keith, "It'd be pretty cool if I was known around campus as like, the sewing god. Especially because we have to make our own costumes for the productions in ballet." Keith smiled to himself. He wondered if Lance had sequin-ified his costume for tonight.

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