Chapter 11 Reasons Why

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Keith turned too quick because Lance? Sure enough, the brunette stood to Keith's right, leaning against a tall table with high stools. He looked stunning. Blue fishnet stockings that climbed up his waist, visible above the hem of his light-wash ripped jeans. A cropped white sweatshirt with light blue rings around the sleeves. Lance's blue eyes popped with eyeliner and mascara. There was a rainbow face-painted on his left cheek. White converse with rainbow laces.

Keith blinked. Why was Lance here? He noticed the rainbow flag that lay folded on the table. He was here for the parade too?

"Well, what a coincidence," Pidge said slowly, loudly.

"Lance! Who knew you'd be here!" Hunk joined, and Keith turned to them. He wasn't sure if he was angry or happy.

"We should go..." Pidge trailed off, "See you later!" She giggled and shoved Hunk and Shiro out of the door.

Keith paused, then turned back to Lance. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Your friends are fun," Lance said, and blew a bubble with his gum. He didn't look angry.

"How did they...?"

"Pidge texted me," Lance explained, and pulled out his phone, then showed the screen to Keith. A text.

5 reasons why you should give keith another chance

1. hes really nice and kind and funny when you get to know him better and hes not always so awkward

2. hes really cuddly and caring and tries to bake food for us even though hes shit at cooking. he knit us beanies one year for christmas

3. hes really protective and gets jealous easily because he doesnt want the people he cares about to get hurt

4. hes good at singing and playing the guitar and writing sappy love songs. hes probably written one for you already

5. hes obsessed with you and talks about you all the time and he just gets confused and weird sometimes so dont blame him too much

Keith felt his heart swell for his friend.

"I thought he was right, so I agreed and he told me to come here."

"Oh." Keith knew he had to say it, because after a week of torture, there's no way he couldn't.

"I should tell you," Keith started, but the door opened before he could tell Lance, and a guy wearing several rainbow tutus and nothing else poked his head in.

"The parade is starting! Everyone who wants to participate should come out now!" Lance slid off his stool and grabbed the flag off the table. Keith realized there were two- a rainbow and a pink, purple, blue. Bi.

"You coming?" Lance asked, and handed the rainbow flag to Keith, who took it numbly.


The parade was loud and fun and beautiful. Men kissed women, men kissed men, women kissed women, people with no genders and people with both. Thick, thin, tall, short, blonde, black, it was all the same. Keith held his flag around his shoulders like a cape, and kiss lips were swollen as random strangers kissed him too. His jealousy hedged when people kissed Lance, just like what Pidge had said, so he took Lance's hand, intertwining their fingers, and walked closely to the brunette, eyes set.

The parade took short breaks, and on the second or third, Lance took out his eyeliner pen and held Keith's chin his his hand, warm, warm, warm, the heel of his palm on Keith's cheek as he drew black above his eyelashes. The magenta lipstick was next. Keith pressed his lips together as they slid with new color.

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