Chapter 8 YOLO

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Keith liked the way Lance's legs pressed behind his own, how his face was buried in Keith's neck, how he was so warm they had kicked off the duvet during the night and were now only covered by a sheet.

Keith opened his eyes, and it was still dark out. He looked to his alarm clock wearily to see that it was just mere minutes before his alarm was set to go off. He sighed, tired, but reached out and canceled the alarm, disentangling himself from Lance gently. The brunette shifted and rolled onto his stomach, but thankfully didn't wake up.

Keith started his morning routine, quietly walking to the kitchen to start the coffee pot- he knew he'd need it. The sun was rising, but the sky was cloudy and grey, so it didn't make much of a difference in the dark apartment. Keith assumed that Lance would still be asleep for the next few hours- he seemed like that kind of guy.

Next, to shower. Keith took a shirt and pants from his dresser, then walked to the bathroom, the tiles cold on his feet as he took off his socks. The steam from his hot shower fogged up the window and wrapped Keith in a blanket, almost comforting as Lance, when he finished his shower. Towel-drying his hair, he quickly changed into his clothes, which consisted of a grey long-sleeve shirt with a red baggy sweater over it, two white stripes on each side on the biceps, and thin black sweatpants with cinched ankles.

Keith stepped outside the bathroom and was slightly surprised to see Lance standing in front of the coffee pot, pouring himself a mug.

"G'morning," he mumbled, and stood next to Lance, waiting for the coffee. Lance finished, handed the coffee to Keith, and then slouched behind him, wrapping his long, dark-tanned arms around Keith's waist, leaning on Keith's shoulder as the florist poured dark, aromatic coffee into his mug.

"Your shower's loud," Lance murmured, and Keith nodded.

"Sorry for waking you up so early. You should go back to bed."

"I should," Lance replied, but he didn't budge until Keith moved to the fridge to get the milk.

They sat quietly at the table-for-two, sipping steaming coffee and talking about what they were doing for the day, when they'd see each other again.

"I have work until closing, then I'll probably head over to Hunk's place for our band practice," Keith said, then looked up at Lance, "My first day of school is tomorrow, any tips?"

Lance winked as best he could in his early-morning sleep-deprived state, "Wear something snazzy," he managed for advice.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"I have class at 9... then I'll go to practice with Allura, then I work from 5-11."

Keith perked up, "Where do you work?"

"Fuego Bueno." Keith thought about this for a second. Fuego Bueno was a Mexican restaurant on the other side of town and was famous for its deep-fried peppers, earning its name 'Good Flame'. Did this mean Lance was a waiter? Strangely, Keith could see Lance doing something like that. Or maybe he worked as a chef? Keith checked his phone and sighed.

"I should get going." He got up, "Please, stay as long as you want. Help yourself to food, whatever. I... Can I text you soon?"

Lance got up too, carrying his mug to the sink, "Yeah, of course. Maybe you can meet my crazy family." Keith hoped he was joking.

Things were awkward as hell as Keith wound a scarf around his neck and pulled on a beanie, checking his pockets for his wallet, phone, and keys, and slipping on his shoes. Lance paused from washing the mugs and pulled down Keith's scarf just a bit, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Keith was blushing furiously as he trudged out, and his face was still red as he kicked onto the main road.


Next day

The first day of school, up, up, up. Keith jumped out of bed, ready to fight battles and conquer the day- until he almost tripped over his jeans that lay on the floor, and nearly smacked his face against the wall.

Trying again, Keith started his routine with the usual, trying to stay positive. Of course, his coffee tasted weird after brushing his teeth, and he wasn't confident in his outfit, but it didn't matter. Keith was trying to live the day like Lance, and even whispered "YOLO" to himself as he checked himself in the mirror.

Wearing a grey hoodless sweater, the hems and sleeves a darker shade, dark jeans, and maroon suspenders that hung down by his thighs, along with his favorite, classic red beanie, it was okay. He looked younger than he was, but that was okay too.

Stopping by Hunk's, Keith grabbed a croissant and was sent off with a 'good luck!' from his friend.

The college parking lot was huge, so Keith parked by the building his first class was in, pulling out his schedule to make sure he remembered the right class number. Here goes.


"Guys, it's so... hard! But boring at the same time! Like, they give us these long lectures about absolutely nothing, and then they give us these giant essays to write!"

Keith was sitting upside-down on Hunk's couch, his feet on the wall, head hanging off the edge of the cushions. Pidge nodded sympathetically, but then went off to say, "My classes are all easy."

"Of course they are, Pidge, you're a freaking genius," Keith retorted, but he wasn't actually mad. Hunk was re-stringing an old guitar while Shiro held a tuner, and the smell of peach cake wafted down the stairs.

"There's this one professor I have-"

"Keith, when are you seeing Lance again?" Shiro asked suddenly, and Keith paused, righting himself on the couch.

"Dunno," he said simply, and Hunk grinned at him, eyes crinkling at the edges.

"You guys sound so cute together. Keith and Lance, power couple," Hunk said happily, and Keith tried not to roll his eyes.

"We're not even technically dating," he said, "We've only been on one date."

"So what? Have you ever read any love stories ever?" Hunk protested, nodding to Shiro to put the tuner down.

"I've read Romeo and Juliet," Keith said, and crossed his arms.

"Well neither of you are gonna die from this, so why stress? If you like him, you like him, and if you like him, and he likes you, and you like each other, then isn't that reason enough to start dating?" Hunk looked hopeful.

"Hunk, as sweet as you are, we've only been on one date. And he crashed at my place yesterday, but that doesn't even really count."

"Then get him to ask you out on a date!" Hunk exclaimed, and Keith sipped at the green tea Hunk had slaved over, cupping the warm mug in his hands.

"He told me it would be fun for me to meet his family this morning, but I don't know if he was joking," Keith said, and Hunk's face lit up.

"Oh good! You can meet your in-laws and learn more about Lance and get closer to him." Hunk wiggled his eyebrows.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for that, though," Keith said, unsure. "I get nervous when I'm in front of new people. I'd probably just end up embarrassing myself and then Lance would never want to date me."

"You're gonna have to meet them sometime," Shiro agreed with Hunk, "Why not make the second date the date that confirms that you're dating?"

Keith shrugged, "I just don't wanna ruin this. I like Lance. A lot. I don't wanna screw things up when I meet his family. Aren't you supposed to meet the family when you're actually a thing?"

"I don't think it matters," Pidge chimed in, "Just be confident."

"Great pep-talk, guys," Hunk said enthusiastically and got up to get the peach cakes.

"Yeah, I'm really motivated now," Keith replied dryly, and buried his face in the closest pillow.

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