Chapter 13 Happy Birthday

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On the morning of Keith's birthday, his mom called.

"Keith! Hi, sweetheart, how are you? Happy birthday!" She sounded wide-awake and happy, because she, unlike Keith, was a morning person.

"Hey, mom," Keith replied sleepily, rolling out of bed and padding into the kitchen, "I'm good. Just woke up."

"Did Ms. Altea give you the day off?" His mother's voice switched to concern, and Keith knew that if Allura hadn't, his mother would've called her and convinced her to let Keith stay home.

"Yeah, even though I said I would work."

"You always make such little fuss about your birthday, I don't understand." Keith's mother sighed, and Keith made a cup of coffee.

"Please, mom, spare me the hour-long lecture of my birth. Is dad there?"

"Oh, the big lug is asleep. I'll wake him up. NATHAN!" Keith jolted away from the phone as his mom called for his father.

"Anyways, what are you doing today?" Keith's mom asked, and Keith sipped his coffee, black, thinking.

"Well, Shiro said that I should come over to his place, and the guys, Lance, and Allura will come over too." Keith winced. He hadn't told his mom about Lance yet.

"Lance?" She asked. Shit, shit, shit.

"Yeah..." Keith scrambled for words, "He's my-"

"KEITH!" Keith heard his father's voice boom over the phone, "Acxa, hand over the phone," Keith sighed in relief. Saved by The Dad.

"Hey, Dad," Keith said, and sat down at his little table. From the other side of the line came a quick banter.

"I birthed him! I get to talk to him first!" Acxa said, and Keith laughed to himself. Fair point.

"Guys, just put it on speaker," he interrupted, and his parents went quiet.

"CAN YOU HEAR US NOW? WE'RE ON SPEAKER!" his father screeched, and Keith facepalmed.

"Yes, dad, I can hear you loud and clear," he replied quickly, and he heard his mother snicker, "You don't need to yell."

They carried on small talk for a bit, then told him their present for him was in the mail.

"Please visit soon, pumpkin, we miss you."

"I miss you, too. I'll come home at Thanksgiving."


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Hunk bellowed as he opened the door to Shiro's apartment.

"Thanks, bud," Keith said, and they bumped fists as Keith stepped inside. Shiro's apartment was a lot bigger than Keith's, and it actually looked like a real house.It was alike to a studio apartment in the way that it wasminimalistic and stylish, but it had multiple rooms and was actually pretty spacious. The front door lead into the kitchen, the stovetop over the oven on the left, with a counter made of wood, like a giant cutting board, next to it.

On the opposite wall stood the large double-door refrigerator with the slide-out freezer door, and next to it the sink, then counterspace with a basket of fresh fruit on the dark 8-seated dining table. A classy sterio system was set up on a shelf on the wall, next to a frosted-glass cabinet that Keith knew held basic medications, bandaids, and office supplies. Next to it was a wine rack with 5 fancy bottles seated on display. Large windows were positioned on the left wall, and an arched doorway lead into another room (Keith knew as the living room, with a creme-colored couch and a red beanbag chair for gaming, in front of Shiro's expensive TV and gaming set) on the right wall.

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