Chapter 20 Sailing Skies and Seas

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"Keith... Keeeith... Keith, c'mon, you're normally up before me. My arm is numb, Keith, oh my god. Mi Amor... Mullet, I swear-"

"Shhh..." Keith shushed, turning his body to face Lance, "Warm. You're warm."

"Am I your personal heater now?"

"Yes. Didn't you read the contract?"

Lance wrapped his arms around Keith, pulling him to his chest. "What contract?"

"Our relationship contract," Keith mumbled into Lance's shirt, and Lance tumbled a laugh, his morning voice gravely and deep.

Keith liked the rumble as he breathed Lance in, his cologne and peach shampoo. He would be perfectly content laying here forever. He had slept surprisingly well last night, probably a combination of Lance's intense warmth and the comfort of his own bed.

"I think your mom's making food downstairs," Lance tempted, brushing Keith's hair off his forehead. Groaning, Keith sat up, sitting directly on top of Lance while stretching. Lance looked up and him, smiling like a toddler.

"What?" Keith mumbled, pouting.

"Your hair... I guess I haven't noticed your bed head before." Lance laughed and Keith desperately tried to smooth down his wild hair but to no avail. The bed was situated right in front of a window, and as Keith looked outside into the pale morning, he noticed the leaves outside, red and orange and yellow.

Keith reached out his hand and pressed it flat against the glass. It was freezing cold. Lance reached up and brushed his fingers over Keith's forearm. When Keith removed his hand, a handprint was spread over the glass in condensation.

"We'll be going home on Halloween," Keith said slowly. Lance nodded and suddenly smiled.

"About that, I have a dance recital that day. The whole team is doing a group dance and then I have a solo. You'll come, right?"

Keith looked down at him. "Yeah, of course, I'll come." He climbed out of bed and grimaced at how cold the floor was on his bare feet. Keeping on his boxers, he dug through his dresser, searching until he found what he was looking forward.

Pulling the wool over his feet, Keith noticed how long the multi-colored socks were. They went up past his knees but weren't quite thigh-highs as they stopped just above the joint. Lance was climbing out of bed too now, and Keith grabbed his boyfriend's shirt off the floor, flashing a grin at him before pulling it on.

Lance's t-shirt was soft and thin and lifted ombre from a deep cobalt into pale seafoam green. Keith turned to show Lance but was instead faced with the caramel skin of his back. Muscled and with a veil of freckles spotting down his shoulders and fading to his mid-back. Keith's jaw went slack. Lance looked over his shoulder, a sly smile on his lips, and looked Keith up and down.

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