Chapter 27 Absurdity

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"Se-cond-PLACE! Se-cond-PLACE!" Hunk chanted in the bar, boosting their trophy up. Shots were lined up, and Keith had a beer in his hand. Lance sat next to him, his hand on Keith's thigh, with Pidge on Keith's other side. Allura and Shiro sat next to Pidge, and Hunk wasn't even sitting yet, just showing off the trophy. Keith was pretty sure that they had been more excited than the band that won first place.

Allura and Lance looked flawless, as usual, adorned with makeup that they'd kept on. When Lance had met Keith backstage, they had collided in a kiss, Lance's needy (and already a bit drunk) hands were through Keith's hair, and he murmured, "In the crowd... everyone wants to fuck my boyfriend now..."

Now they were celebrating, drinks in hand. Keith felt tipsy with excitement and alcohol, and the live band that played was loud and good. Voltron had entered the first band they could find, which was called 'The Barrel' and it had large, antique beer barrels stacked by the stage and bar.

Half an hour later, Lance and Keith were in front of the stage, swaying together to the music, Keith's arms around Lance's shoulders, and Lance's hands on Keith's waist. The bar felt warm and Keith's lips brushed his boyfriend's ear as he whispered drunk sentiments of phrases (that could be sexy when said soberly) to Lance.

They both laughed at Keith's pathetic attempts, and when the band ended their set, Lance went back to the bar to get another drink and Keith stayed to try to act sober in front of the band, asking them questions about their music and casually slipping in that Voltron had just won Battle of the Bands. To Keith's satisfaction, they bought Voltron another round and Keith ended up talking with the bassist for 20 minutes while Lance talked with Pidge and Hunk. But, like magnets, the two boyfriends connected again, unable to separate for too long.

(A/N: this part is from a cute comic that I saw on Instagram by bruhderp on tumblr :))

Keith slid next to Lance, crouching by Lance's stool at the bar. He looked around nervously. "Pst, Lance," he stage whispered, even though Lance had already seen him and was looking at him with a mildly confused expression.

"Hey Keith," Lance said, tapping his fingers on his martini.

"Hihihi," Keith greeted, "I love you." He grinned up at Lance, watching his boyfriend blush childishly, slapping his palms to his cheeks happily. Keith giggled.

"Shaddup," Lance slurred, cheeks red as he felt his heart thump thump thump in his chest. He pressed a hand just below his clavicle, willing his palm to quiet his heart. He heard it in his ears as Keith continued.

"IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou," Keith crooned to Lance, who was slightly bewildered. He fanned his burning cheeks.

"KEITH!" Shiro suddenly came out of the bathroom, searching the bar. He spotted Keith by the stools and started walking over. "Lance, hold him down, he's waaay too drunk."

Keith looked annoyed as he glanced at Shiro, "Gotta dash, babe, Takashit is here." Lance erupted in giggles.

"Keith wha- Takashit pffffft." His lips felt rubbery from smiling so much. Keith stuck out his butt and flipped Shiro off over his shoulder. Shiro emitted an enraged groan that sounded frighteningly like the neigh of a horse.

"Lance, I swear to God, hold him!"

"But first..." Keith said, then sprung up from his crouch and placed a sloppy kiss (nearly) on Lance's lips. It was more on his chin, but Lance didn't care. Keith resumed his squat once again as Lance covered his face, grinning.

"Oh my god, just why?!" Shiro yelled loudly. He dove towards Keith, shouting in a high-pitched voice, "WASSUP MOTHERFU-". Keith and Shiro landed in a pile on the floor. Keith groaned in defeat. Lance was still giggling childishly.

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