Chapter 22 DC Halloween

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The ringing of Keith's alarm clock sounded sad. He turned to the side and shut it off, then looked down at Lance who lay beside him. The sky outside was still dark and the orange streetlights were the only source of visibility on the street- no one else was up yet. Keith looked down at Lance and brushed the brown hair off the boy's forehead. Last night, they had kissed until they fell asleep and now Keith's lips felt dry and bruised. He didn't mind though.

He nudged Lance gently, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Good morning, love. Time to go home." Lance shifted in his sleep but didn't wake up. Keith began pulling on a pair of soft black joggers and an American Eagle flannel button-up. "C'mon, babe, you can sleep in the car," Keith said gently as he hovered over Lance, who then opened his eyes.

"Morning already?" he mumbled.

"I wouldn't call 4 a.m. 'morning'," Keith joked softly. Lance smiled sleepily and slipped out of bed.

They dressed and packed up the rest of their belongings in silence before walking downstairs. Keith glanced back at his room as he creaked down the steps. Acxa and Nate were sitting at the table, dressed and looking only slightly tired.

"Let's stop for coffee on the road," Keith said to his mother, kissing her headscarf as he passed, "Lance and I can grab breakfast at the airport."

"I've packed you some muffins for the plane ride, they're in your bag," she said, and Keith nodded before stepping outside to load his bags into the car. The air was cool but not cold as Keith heaved his suitcase into the trunk of Nate's Jeep Cherokee, then shutting the trunk with a dull thump. Nate started the car and Keith headed back inside to grab any last items. His mother held her purse to her side and locked the door behind him as they left. Lance and Keith stayed in the backseat while Nate drove and Acxa rode passenger, and Lance quickly fell back asleep, leaning his head on Keith's shoulder. Nate and Acxa talked quietly in the front seat.


"Sweetheart, promise to call me more often," Acxa said, tearing up.

"I will, Mom," Keith said soothingly and hugged Acxa tightly. He felt his throat closing up and he closed his eyes into Acxa's shirt. Moisture built up behind his lashes and he bit the inside of his cheek, trembling slightly.

Acxa felt his tremors and she hugged him tighter and he knew she was crying too.

Pulling back, Keith held his mother at arms-length. "I'm coming home soon. Right after Battle of the Bands, we have holiday break and I'm flying down then, I've already got tickets." Acxa's mascara was running as she nodded.

"I love you, mom. I'll see you at Christmas."

"I'll see you at Christmas, sweetpea."

Keith hugged his dad fiercely and they exchanged words with their eyes. A look of fear answered with a look of reassurance.

"Love you." Keith hugged his mother once again, then walked, with Lance, to security. Keith bit back tears until they boarded the plane.

Keith had the window seat on the plane ride back home and he appreciated Lances mock-oblivion to his silent crying.

Lance was virtually unfazed by the plane this time and was stupidly amazed as they took off, which made Keith smile. However, they had only been in the air for 10 minutes before Keith broke and he turned to Lance. His boyfriend seemed to have been waiting for him because his arms were winding around Keith before he could say anything. Folded in Lance's warm arms, the sun through the window on his back, Lance stroked his hair soothingly.

"Shhh... It's okay," he hushed as Keith's shoulders shook. Lance was incredibly warm and soft in his giant sweatshirt, making Keith feel drowsy and relaxed. "Let's call her as soon as we land, hm?" Lance suggested, and Keith nodded. Exhaustion swept over Keith- he hadn't slept very well the previous night, despite his personal heater of a boyfriend- and he nudged his nose into Lance's shoulder inhaling tangerine cologne. As he fell asleep, he felt Lance wipe away the leftover tears on his cheeks and heard him begin to hum a slow, soft song, lulling Keith into unconsciousness.

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