Chapter 14 Skeek

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Keith lay awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"I love you, Keith." Lance's voice echoed around the walls of Keith's mind, and he could still feel Lance's warm hands on his chest, even several hours later. Lance had dropped Keith off at his apartment, and Keith had watched the truck's taillights until they disappeared.

"I love you," Keith whispered. Had it been too soon? It had, Keith knew, but it wasn't like he couldn't say it back. What else was love, aside from the tight feeling in Keith's chest every time Lance's sunny smile came into view? He loved that smile. But did that mean he loved the boy it belonged to? It was too soon, but he didn't know how to slow everything down. Maybe that was the point of love; you couldn't slow down to catch your breath as this beautiful person spun into your heart and stole your thoughts. Keith rolled onto his side. He'd never loved someone romantically, he didn't know if this was what he was supposed to feel.

Confused, Keith stared blankly ahead of him until he fell asleep.


Keith woke up early the next morning and texted Shiro to see if he was at the gym. He was. Of course, he was. Wanting to get his mind off things, Keith changed into a t-shirt and shorts and made his way to the gym.

Shiro was running slowly on the treadmill. He was training for a half-marathon. Keith didn't know how he did it, running for fun seemed absurd.

"So Keith," Shiro started, chest heaving. Keith assumed he was nearing the end of his run, "I'm glad you came. Since your birthday was in the middle of the week, why don't we do something this weekend where you can stay up late?"

"Such as?" Keith asked, his feet pounding the belt of the treadmill.

"A club." Shiro looked straight ahead, focused.

"A club? I didn't know we had any."

Shiro began to slow the pace of his treadmill, point by point, "We don't. It's a few towns away. But you're up for it?"

"Would everyone come?"

"If you wanted them to." Keith sat on this for a few minutes as Shiro slowed to a walk, face red from exertion. His shirt was off, and Keith couldn't help but admire his best friend's toned chest. What the fuck, dude? No wonder he could practically get anyone he wanted. Try as he might, Keith had decided a while ago that weight-lifting was not for him. He didn't have the patience or strength anyways. He stuck to push-ups and running, thanks.

"Okay, let's do it."


"You have a hole in your apron," were the first words Lance told Keith after kissing him when he arrived at the flowershop to say hi.

"I do?" Keith looked down at his apron and sighed, sticking his thumb through the hole ripped through the seam, "Crap. I'll ask Allura to sew it..."

"No need. You gotta sewing kit?" Lance hopped onto the counter and dangled his legs over the other side.

Keith stared blankly at him. "No." Who did?

"Take it off. I'll go home and sew it and bring it back to you tomorrow."

"You sew?" Lance surprised him every day, jeez.

"I do, actually. Not my best party trick, but it's useful." He grinned, "My first year of college, you know what they called me? They called me the tailor because of how I thread the needle." He winked at Keith.

Keith looked at him, unamused, "That's a sex nickname, right?"

"Yeah, sadly. It'd be pretty cool if I was known around campus as like, the sewing god. Especially because we have to make our own costumes for the productions in ballet," Lance laughed nervously.

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