Chapter 7 Videogames

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"Shiro, no, don't do it-" The studio was filled with a terrible shrieking noise as Shiro blew into the clarinet, face turning pink quickly from exertion.

"Make it stop!" Pidge groaned, burying her face in a pillow. Suddenly, distinguishable (but still awful notes) started coming out, and Keith was left in dumbfounded awe and fits of laughter as Shiro began to play the Star Wars theme on the clarinet, except there were screeches every other note.

When Shiro finally stopped, Hunk was the only one to applaud. "Thanks, Hunk," Shiro said calmly and looked over at a blank-faced Keith and Pidge with her head still stuck under the pillow. She peeked out.

"Is it over?"

The band had been practicing for two hours, trying to remember all their songs and piecing together new notes and rhythms. This recent development of Shiro trying to play the clarinet came from Hunk digging it out of one of his uncle's old boxes of moldy reeds and loose screws and screwdrivers.

"God, that's hard," Shiro breathed heavily and handed the clarinet back to Hunk.

"You sounded great, man," Keith said with a straight face, but couldn't hold it for long.

Shiro laughed along, but Pidge flopped back into the pillow, groaning.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air- Keith, you wanna come with me?" Shiro stood, and Keith nodded.

"I think that's a good idea," Hunk commented, "I'll try to revive Pidge."

Keith followed Shiro up the soft stairs and outside onto the porch. It was dark out, but not too dark. Shiro fumbled for something in his pocket and Keith recognized it as a cigarette pack.

"Shiro... I thought you quit... months ago."

"I did." Shiro's voice was low and almost sad as he picked a cigarette from the pack and flicked his lighter, holding the flame to the end of the white stick until it lit. Shiro and Keith watched as the cigarette burned, ashes blowing away in the wind along with the smoke.

Shiro had quit smoking when he got his new job and realized physical trainers shouldn't smell like smoke, so he quit. Keith had been over at Shiro's house a lot when he was going through his cravings, making sure he didn't slip out and relapse.

Shiro was strong about a lot of things. He was physically built well, he was emotionally there for his friends and family, and his heart was strong, but mentally, Shiro was bad at handling things all by himself. He needed to be dependant on things, and when he had picked up cigarettes, they had become his new attachment. It was hard for him to quit, but he pulled through with that, and now was buying cigarettes just to burn them.

"They don't actually hurt you if you don't smoke them," Shiro said in a small voice, and Keith rolled his eyes.

"Quit trying to be like that guy from The Fault In Our Stars, you sap. I know you cry when you watch that movie."

Shiro chuckled under his breath and leaned on the railing. He flicked the cigarette out against his jeans and rubbed his arms, tattoos rippling under his large muscles. He had half-sleeves on both arms, with meaningful swirls and images that Keith liked to stare at when Shiro let him.

Suddenly, Keith's phone buzzed and he pulled it out, checking-

Hey, can I come over?



There was a knock on the door just as Keith finished throwing his laundry into the basket to be taken to the laundromat, and Keith rushed to open the door.

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