Chapter 3 - New Friends

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I lost.

Well that's a first... that should be expected. I mean, he's a captain. Levi is expected to be one of the best. That kind of hurt my pride a little bit but I'm okay. I'm just shocked.

For years, Erwin was the only one who has the chance of defeating me. We we're equal but our fighting styles are different. Does that mean Levi is stronger that Erwin? Why isn't he the commander then? I'll save those question for later.

"Are you that weak? After that defeating you, you can't even stand anymore?" Levi said. And there goes my pride.

"You're the only woman who can actually land a hit on me. That's a first." He continued as he offered me a hand and I accepted it.

"Thanks. Despite being scary looking, you're actually a gentleman." I said. I didn't mean to let the last part slip out, though.

"Scary?" I heard Levi mumble. Am I going to die? Well, since he's stronger and has the technique, and handsome... I have to admit that he's the whole package. Well, except for the uhm... height.


After the training, I proceeded to walked towards the older cadets. It looks like they're discussing the plan for the upcoming expedition tomorrow with Eren.

"Hi, Eren." I greeted the boy.

"Uh... hello, Eclaire, was it?" Eren asked.

"Yes, but you can just call me Claire." I replied.

"Hello, I haven't seen you yet... are you from the 104th batch?" A woman with ginger hair said.

"Uhm... no, actually... I'll just tell you later. For now, what's your name?" I asked.

"Oh right! I'm Petra. The one with black hair is Ghunther, the one over there is Auruo, and the blonde one is Eld and we're the special operations squad, also known as the Levi squad!" Petra said.

"So what's the plan?" I asked them and the discussion started.


After the discussion and getting to know them, Petra and I proceeded to go to my room for a chat.

"I don't know if this is rude to ask or not but, it's really unusual to have white hair especially when you look so young. Are you stressed or something?" The ginger haired girl asked.

"Oh no, not at all. And this isn't because of stress. It's actually inborn." I told her.

"Okay. So you're not from the 104th batch of cadets, then when did you join the scouts? I don't remember you as a batchmate though..." She said. Do I really look that young?

"I joined the same year as Erwin-"

"What!? The commander? But why haven't I seen you yet?" I was cut off by Petra but I understand her sudden outburst.

"About that... for the last eight years, I don't know where I was. In fact, I don't remember anything that happened in that time. Just recently, I came here without any memory and fainted after I saw Hanji. After that, I woke up with my memories in the past except the ones from the last eight years. Also, you probably don't know yet but I'm Erwin's sister. I don't think that he just randomly talks about me so-"

"You're the commander's sister? Well, you said it so... yeah. You don't look alike, though. Well, your eyes are the same color as his." I was cut off once again but I can't blame her. I was gone for eight years after all.

"We are really close. It's like us against the titans out there." I told her with a small smile forming on my lips.

"It's probably nice to have a sibling." Petra said as she wondered. And it is nice to have someone like Erwin. We had our ups and downs but it's never big enough for us to hate each other.

"It's late. I think I should go to bed especially with what's going to happen tomorrow."

"I guess you're right. It's been a while since I got to kill some of those naked giants. Goodnight then!" I bid goodbye to Petra.

"Goodnight and let's hope nothing goes wrong." Petra greeted back and left.


I woke up with a yawn. I wanted to stay in bed but I have some titan slaying to do. I stood up, fixed my bed, and stretched.

I did my morning things like showering. I walked to the mess hall and got my share of food. I noticed that some of the cadets are nervous, one seems... excited and some have no reaction at all as if it's the normal for them.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. Now, I'm really awake.

After finishing my breakfast, I prepared myself by wearing my gear.

I went to the stables and talked to my new horse. I'm only doing this for the horse to trust me and not throw me off while being chased by a titan.


Third Person's POV

The sound of the huge bell was ringing indicating that it was time.

"Commander, the time approches."

"Titans in the vicinity have been lured away! Gate opens at thirty seconds!"

"Awesome! It's the scouts!" A little girl on the window sill exclaimed. The thought of the little girl made Eclaire feel... special.

"See that symbol? It's called the Wings of Freedom." The boy told the girl who is most probably his sister.

"So cool." The girl said with amazement. Despite the fear of what's about to happen, the praise just made the white haired girl's day.

"This is it! This is the day humanity takes another step forward! Now, let's show those titans what we're made of!" A man yelled.

"Yeah!" The soldiers yelled in agreement.

"Open the gate!"

"Forward!" Erwin said.

"It has officially begun! The 57th recon mission! Scouts, move out!" The blonde commander announced as the horses galloped out and the Scout proceeded to do the expedition.


About the last chapter... I know that it wasn't according to the timeline because they did the dummy slaying before graduating. I'm trying to follow the actual timeline but I also wanted to show you Eclaire in action without anyone dying yet and it's also a moment of Levi and Eclaire doing something together.

Also, incase you're wondering that the asterisks are typos, they're not. I just put them because I'm uncertain on what I put there.
(Edit: I'm still not sure but as far as I know, their names are Ghunther and Eld.)

And I don't know Erwin's age in the season 1 or 2. I don't read the manga but there are some potential spoilers.

Thank you for reading and see you next week!

-Yui (not my real name)

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