Chapter 10 - The Battle of the Titan-shifters | The Beginning

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"I'm gonna...

I'm gonna...

KILL YOU!" Eren yelled, taking the words out of my mouth.

I flew towards the problem at hand in full speed, thanking myself for saving my fuel earlier.

With that, Eren transformed into his titan form. Come to think of it, it's my first time seeing him like that.

Of course, he was ten times bigger than his human form. He had long, darker hair, his body filled with enormous muscles. His orbs were a tad bit greener. His mouth was... Let's just say he looks terrifying. In a good way, though. Or not?

He roared in a high pitch, while using his feet as brakes as he landed onto the ground.

It probably alerted the others because of how loud it was. With me being the nearest to him, resulted to excruciating pain in my ears. But that wasn't important right now.

He ran towards the other titan-shifter. The female titan just stood there with her broken arms, currently regenerating.

He charged at the female with his fist clenched in front of him obviously aiming for a punch. It was so obvious, the female Titan was able to dodge it easily and even kicked him in the guts after.

Come on, Eren. You have the advantage here.

She kneed him and Eren tried to punch her again but she dodged. Fortunately, she lost her balance, landing back first against a tree.

Once I got around twenty meters near them, I stayed on a branch on high alert. I kept my distance so Eren can give it his all.

Eren stood on ground. He was in his fighting stance. He threw continuous quick punches at the female Titan. Once again, she successfully dodged them.

The female Titan started to run, trying to escape Eren because she couldn't fight back.


I followed them while still keeping my distance.

Eren chased her, throwing more of those quick punches of his. Once again, the female titan lost her balance trying to dodge them. Eren took this chance to pin her to the ground. Even attempted to punch her but failed miserably. His arm broke, tearing his skin wide open. I could literally see his bones. Erebus tried to punch her again, this time with his other hand. Now he has two arms broken.

I really wanted to face palm, but I didn't have the right to do so. I wasn't the one fighting so I guess I should be grateful.

Eren roared on her face, probably blaming her for their deaths. Do it, Eren. I'll make sure you make it out alive, just please... avenge them.

He was furiously shaking with his hands in the air. He looked crazy, eyes filled with pure rage.

Then it was time. The female titan's hand have already healed. She grabbed his arm, pulling it to his side, while escaping his grasp. This alerted Eren and tried to keep her down once more, but ended up getting a punch literally sending him flying. He crashed on to a tree.

I covered mouth and just watched the fight. I couldn't move at all.

As to my shock, Eren recovered quite fast and lunged towards her, throwing a punch that successful landed on her face.

He continued to throw punches while she continued to dodge.

Until she crystallized her fist then punched Eren. Quite an unexpected move. I only saw her do it once to defend herself against Auruo, but I didn't think it she'll be used using it again for defence. I must say it intrigued me. She's becoming more interesting as an opponent. I say Hanji would say the same and try to use her for tons of experiments.

What Eren did was more unexpected. He skidded his teeth against her crystallized arm and threw a punch which sent her flying.

Eren tried to knee her, but she evaded it. His mouth was wide open as he regenerated from the attack earlier.

My eyes widened in shock as the female titan sliced Eren's head along with the tree beside him in one swift movement.

The skin of her mouth tore as she opened he mouth wider. She bit Eren's flesh, causing Eren's real body to show.

"Eren, no!" A familiar feminine voice was heard.

It's the one and only, Mikasa Ackerman.

She halted at gasped at the sight of Eren being eaten.

I snapped back to reality then chased after the female titan. We can't lose Eren. I promised myself that. Please wait for me, Eren. YOU CAN'T DIE YET!

"Come on, Mikasa!" I yelled at her.

A scary look was etched on her face. At least she came back to her senses.

The angry girl screamed, "Give him back!" As she continuously grazed the female titan.

As she was distracted with Mikasa, I took the chance and sliced her shoulder that was covering her nape. I guess she has limits in crystallizing her body parts.

Mikasa tried to strike her hand, but it was crystallized, causing to blades to break instead.

The female Titan took notice of me and tried to swat me, but I dodged.

I landed on a tree across Mikasa's.

"He's still alive. He's still alive, and I'm coming for him! Just hang on, Eren! I know you're in there. After I kill her, I'll carve out her insides and pull you out, again. I swear, I will. Just hang on a little longer. Don't give up, Eren. Never give up!" Mikasa said while changing her blades.

That was a bit creepy.

The female titan tried to punch Mikasa, but ended up punching the tree instead.

Can we really defeat her?

Eren in his titan form wasn't enough to bring her down. We're going to die at if we-

No. There's really no chance for us to defeat her.

But I promised myself to bring back Eren at all costs.

An idea popped into my mind.

We don't really need to defeat her... My main purpose is to make sure Eren is alive!

I'm not being a coward. I'm just thinking and not being reckless when I know there was absolutely no chance of us winning without Eren.

With a plan in mind, I engaged.


For some reason, the title won't update. I hope u can see it tho.


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