Chapter 6 - Trust

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"Everyone, cover your ears." Levi told us.

I'm not sure on what he's about to do, but he's the captain of this squad for a reason. So I trust him.

I did as I was told to do. I covered my ears as the captain pulled out a flare gun. He adjusted something. He pulled the trigger.With a bang and a high-pitched sound, the flare was launched.

"Remind me, what is our mission. Is it to simply act on impulse in the heat of the moment? Let me answer that question for you. It's not. This squad's mission is to keep this brat alive whatever the cost. Don't forget it." Levi said.

I know, he's implying something, but did he really have to ask a question and answer it himself? Okay. Now is not the time for me to thinking about this. A titan- no. A titan-shifter is currently chasing us. Keeping Eren safe is our main priority. What is the best course of action? How can we keep Eren away from the titan? I think not engaging is the best course of action for now. I hate to say it but, if the titan tries something, someone has to stop it from doing so, even if it means suicide.

"We keep pushing forward on horseback. Is that clear?" The Captain commanded.

"As a bouncer!*" Petra yelled.

"But for how long? We can't keep running  forever! She's right on top of us as it is! If we don't do something soon then-"

I sigh. A lot of people are dying. Yes, they did sign up for this. Being a scout is a very dangerous and heroic line of work. They are prepared to die for humanity.

"They keep coming! They're all gonna die unless we turn around and do something!" Eren is panicking.

I know people are dying. They're brave for doing this. They could've been alive. It's all her fault. Partially ours, too...  but if we really did something, it's probably just dying and not to save Eren. However, that titan is also human. She killed people purposely, murdered them.

"Eyes front! Stop looking behind us!" Gunther yelled.

"Seriously!?" Eren exclaimed.

"Keep pace with the group they take top speed and we're all dead!" Eld said.

"Oh, please! Help them! If the Levi squad can't stop this thing then who can!?" Eren asked.

The people kept coming, dying. Tch.

Eren kept on yelling, whining. Double tch.

I'm starting to get irritated.

"Eren." I said with a dark look and my hair making a shadow upon my face.

"Just do what you're told to. People are dying there to save your ass so you can save humanity from these filthy creatures. However, this one chasing our asses is worse than those man-eating giants. Notice how she kills those people. Smashing them like they're flies to her. Do you still think we can save those people without dying like them? We are humans, Eren. We can't die yet unless you are guaranteed safe." I continued.

I looked at Eren. Is he... planning to transform?

"Eren, no!" I yelled upon noticing.

Based on his reaction, I guess I was correct.

"You're only permitted to transform when your life is in extreme peril! That was the agreement! You swore an oath!" Petra said after being alerted on what's Eren about to do.

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