Chapter 5 - The Female Titan

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A/N: you can skip this chapter if you want. I don't even know why I wrote this, but I'm not deleting it. Well, this chapter feels like it's not part of the main story which evolves in Levi and Eclaire. This part contains the introduction of the female titan with Armin, Jean, and Reiner.

Third Person's POV

(Armin's side)

The unknown titan-shifter leaped infront of the blonde boy. The boy crashed on the titan's leg, making him fall off his horse and crash on the ground.

Armin was on paralyzed in fear on the ground with his breath shaking. He was terrified. His comrades were killed by a human in a titan's body and he knew he was next.

The titan-shifter's hand was slowly reaching for... his hood? The titan slowly lifted it up. Armin looked up to see the titan smiling upon seeing his face. With that, the titan stood up and continued running, leaving him scared and confused.

'This doesn't make any sense. Why didn't it... why didn't it kill me?' The blonde boy thought.

"Armin!" A muscular blonde called his attention.

"Reiner!" Armin yelled back.

"Hey, can you ride? What the hell are you doing? This is full-blown titan country. You can't be without a horse" Reiner stated.

"Climb on!" Reiner said, offering Armin a ride on his horse.

Armin nodded in return and did as he was told.

"I came as fast as I could when I saw the black smoke. Nice ass for an abnormal you gotta admit." Reiner said.

"It's not an abnormal. It's a person controlling a titan body." Armin corrected him.

"Wait, what?" Reiner said, confused with what the other blonde just said.

"I'll explain in a second. We need to fire a signal to warn the others. Come on! Work you piece of garbage! It's an emergency!" Armin said, trying to make the flare gun work.

A smoke signal was launched a few meters behind them.

"It's alright. Jean's got'cha covered." Reiner stated.

Behind them was Jean riding his horse, trying to catch up to the other two ahead.

"Oh man, that's not good. The right-wing spotters suffered too many casualties to carry on." Reiner said as they spotted yellow smoke.

"Yeah, apparently most of them were wiped out by a titan ambush. I don't know how it happened but it was bad since the titans were lightning fast. The spotters didn't have enough time to react. Whoever's left is trying to hold them off, but that means there's no one in lookout duty. Talk about a setback, right?" Jean said, who finally caught up on the two.

"Wait, she came from that direction. Does that mean could she have led the titans there like a commander?" Armin said.

Jean asked why the titan was running away from them and thought that it was an abnormal but Armin explained what he concluded earlier. Armin also concluded that the titan was after someone in particular which leads to the questions who and why.

"Could it be Eren?" Armin told them.

"Eren? He's with Levi's squad. They're spearheading the right wing team or they were, rather." Reiner said.

"Levi's team? I'm pretty sure that you're wrong there, big guy. My copy of the plan had them in the left wing." Jean stated.

"That's odd because my copy of the plan had them infront of the right wing, too, which now that I think about it doesn't make sense, putting them in the vanguard like that wouldn't be smart strategically."

"Then where are they supposed to be?"

"C'mon, where else? The safest position in the formation, which I assume is the rear in the center rank."

Jean told them not to think about this right now. Reiner asked him for a plan and Jean told him that they should distract it so that the others have time to retreat. Since there were chances that they're going to get killed and come out alive, Jean came up with that plan. Jean encouraged them by telling them that no one forced them to be a scout.

"Now are you with me, or not!?" Jean yelled.

"Pull your hoods all the way over so it covers you. She won't try to kill you if can't see your face. If she's going for someone specifically, she won't bow us down unless she knows for sure we're not them." Armin said.

"Good idea. As far as she knows any one of us can be here and underneath this getup. That's actually kind of encouraging." Reiner said.

"I'm not gonna lie but, the way you clung to Eren like a security blanket all the time used to really creeped me out. But I knew you were brilliant." Jean said his thoughts.

Armin wasn't sure on how to take this but he's thankful.

With that, they proceeded to lure her away from the others.

Jean launched his hook on a spot on the titan-shifter's foot. The titan swatted the air and the force managed to remove Jean's hood. Afterwards, it swatted Armin's horse which made him collide with the ground again, removing his gear in the process, leaving him defenseless.

The titan stared at Armin's defenseless form. Jean launched himself on the titan's back but it got removed as the titan shifted a little bit. Jean launched another hook and the titan didn't try to hurt him. Instead, it covered it nape, to protect it. Jean thought he was doomed as the titan moved its arm, attempting to pull Jean's wire.

"Jean!" "Don't let that suicide maniac die in vain!" Armin yelled.(Armin confirmed it LOL)

The titan's attempt stopped.

"She did it! She's the one who killed him! I told him the right wing was suicide, but he went along anyway! And now he's dead, thanks to her!" Armin continued to yell with a crazy look on his face.

"She crossed with my best friend! I saw it with my own eyes!" Armin yelled.

'What is he talking about?' Jean thought.

Reiner launched himself straight towards the nape while the titan was distracted.

The titan saw him. With a smile, she grabbed him, crushing him in the process.

"Umph!" Reiner said.

Reiner continued to cry out in pain, still trapped in the titan's fist. The titan pushed his head in with her thumb.

With a pop, Reiner was crushed.

'No.' Jean thought.

With a yell, Reiner managed to escape the titan's grasp, literally.

He swiftly landed. After that, he ran towards Armin, picked him up, and carried him with one arm as he ran.

The titan just stared at her hand and continued to go to her destination and didn't follow them.

Armin realized that the titan was going towards the center. She was indeed going for Eren.

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