Chapter 7 - Brother

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"Eren... I'm asking you... TRUST US!"

Eren finally puts down his hand. I sigh in relief.

"Eren, come on! Think with your d*mned mind!" Levi said.

"I'm with you!" Eren yelled back.

Eren looked back to see another one being dragged against the tree. It's a horrifying sight. It sucks that we have to pretend it never happened and move on. It hurts.

Eren shut his eyes close to not see anymore cruelty. He's still a kid. He's brave to be able to do this.

The titan's back slightly bent over and she began to become faster. That little f*cker.

"Target is accelerating!"

"Just keep moving. we'll outrun the fish." The Captain said.

I know this isn't the time for this but... outrun? Fish? D*mn it, Eclaire.


The titan punched the ground in attempt to hit one of us. With the corner of my eye, I saw other scouts setting up some type of machinery.

"Brother!" I said as I saw him hooked on a tree.

Erwin yelled for a signal.

It suddenly became noisy afterwards. The machines were for the capture of this b*tch, after all. The machine released a lot of hooks, piercing the titan's body, restraining it.

We kept on moving on horseback. Eren looks back. He looks shocked.

"Thanks for trusting us, Eren." I said.

It's over now. Why do I still have this bad feeling in my stomach?

"Everyone, hit your horses a bit further on. Switch to ODM gear, I have to break away for a little while. Eld's in-charge 'till I get back. Tuck Eren somewhere out of sight, away from the female titan, and see to my horse." Levi said as he zipped away from us.

"Wait, what? They're going to take her alive? Seriously?" Eren asked.

"So what do think of us now, Eren!? We outsmarted the d*mned thing!" Gunter said.

"Let this be a lesson to you, greenhorn! Don't ever underestimate the scouts! Never again, agreed!?" Auruo said.

"I still have this bad feeling, though." I said.

"You we're probably about to piss yourself in fear, Eclaire."

"That's the Commander's sister, Auruo- crap! I'm sorry, Claire!"

"No no no, it's okay. I'm not re-"

"You're Erwin's/the Commander's/Commander Erwin's sister!?" Gunther, Auruo, and Eren yelled.

"Good luck after exposing her secret, Petra." Auruo teased.

"No, it's okay, really. It wasn't really a secret. I'm just waiting for the right time to say it. But rest assured, I'm not getting any special privileges. Okay now, let's stop talking and start doing what the Captain told us to do." I said.


"So that was the plan from the start? We weren't flying be the seat of our pants? Look, I'm not complaining. I get keeping it from me, but come on, keeping you guys in he dark? Especially you, Eclaire! You think you'd earned a little more trust in that, right?" Eren said.

"Look, Eren. I said I'm not into getting special privileges. As some of you guys noticed that I just appeared out of nowhere just after the two titans Hanji's been studying has been killed... Even my own brother could be suspicious of me... as much as it hurts, I see to it that it's only fair. I don't know what happened to me for the last eight years, I really don't. Its scares me. Maybe even you guys think that I'm that b*tch's accomplice. I don't blame you though. I'm even suspecting myself." I said, letting out an awkward laugh afterwards.

Petra hugs me. It's really embarrassing to cry right now but I accidentally shed a few tears. Who the hell is chopping onions here?

"Shhh..." Petra makes a calming sound and it's surprisingly effective.

"Oh God, that was embarrassing. Please forget that just happened. It's been awhile since I got so emotional." I said.

I could still here the cannons launching hooks to the titan. I'm kind of feeling bad for her. No, she doesn't deserve my pity. After killing those innocent people... she better be worth the information she gives.

I just realized something.

I'm being quite moody today, aren't I?

"Now back to Eren's statement... I hope you're not suggesting the Captain kept the plan from us because he thinks we're a liability!" Petra yelled at Eren.

"I'm sorry but I am. There's just no other way it makes sense!" Eren yells back.

"God, you're so annoying! Enough of this! Petra, knock the teeth out of his skull!" Auruo yells.

"Look, I hate to say it but he's got a point. For being a supposedly instrumental to the plan as we were, the Captain didn't give us much to go on." Eld states.

"So what?" Gunther asks.

"That means he doesn't trust us, kind of a big deal. Come on you guys, think about it. Maybe Eren isn't the only one who can transform. Maybe someone in the regiment is a titan spy." Eld theorizes.

"A spy... are you sure about that?" Gunther asks once again.

"Well, no. But I'm sure the Commander believes it. He'd have to, and I assume the only people who knows on this are the survivors from five years ago." Eld says.

There was an expedition five years ago? Well of course I won't remember it. I wasn't there, after all.

"Of course, that's gotta be it."

"I concur wholeheartedly. Hear that, kid? There was a good reason."

"Right, yes. A perfectly good reason. It adds up, after all, in their position, it's the best way of narrowing down the list of suspects to a manageable number. Shinganshina is probably when the spy got in."

"So, you think that person responsible for killing Sawny and Bean?"

"Possibly. In fact, the Commander asked me this odd question."

The people came to a conclusion. Now, an annoying man named Auruo began spouting lies about him knowing the answer back then and 'his level of expertise'.

Petra scolds him with his hobby of pretending he's Levi and finally, it's about time someone said that's not how Shortie sounds like. He can't even give the chills like Levi does.

Eren is in deep thought once more. Probably reflecting upon what just happened.

"You think Erwin was wrong to leave us out of the loop? Eren, I know this sounds harsh but, he did what was necessary. None of us knew what was going to happen. My brother is the Commander, not some psychic. He had to act on what he had. He had to choose what to lose... a handful of us or all of us. I don't know when but, Erwin was entrusted to be our Commander to lead all of us for a reason. He accepted the weight of doing the unspeakable... and probably indirectly killed hundreds of lives for the good of humanity. I know it sucks, but he was chosen because he's capable." I said, defending my brother.

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