December (pt. 3)

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Mikes p.o.v

I rushed after Will not bothering to ask permission to leave. I looked left and right for him until I heard soft sobbing coming from around the corner.

"Will?" He quickly ridded his tears but still continued to look down at the tiled floors.

"You don't have to be here I'm fine" he sniffled while holding his knees to his chest. Of course being the good friend that I am, as cocky as that sounds....I couldn't just leave him there. I sat down indian style on the ground next to him with my back up against the lockers. It stayed silent for a few minuets occasional sniffles coming from Will. I could tell he was holding back tears, he always hated crying in front of people....especially me.

"Why me Mike?" His words echoed a bit, a small crack in his voice making him sound more broken then he already was. "I just wanna feel normal for once at school....but James and troy never give it a rest, I already feel bad about myself..." He continued to look down at the ground tears rolling down his cheeks.

I never quite understood why Will ever hated himself the way he did. To me...he was perfect. I took this oppurtunity to scoot in a little closer to Will, his body tensed a bit making me regret my actions. "Sorry I-I'll give you your spa-" he cut me off. "No please...stay, its okay...I kinda need you right now". Will's words made me smile but my smile soon dropped when the rest of our group came rushing towards us. Lucas, Dustin, and Max stood in front of us and I forced my eyes from rolling at them.

"Woah Will your eyes are all red, have you been crying?" Max asked with a concerned looked on her face that both Lucas and Dustin shared.

Will finally looked up from the floor and up at Max, nodding his head whispering a quick "I'm fine."

"We were all about to head to the you guys wanna join us..." Dustin spoke up with hesitation in his voice.

"I think I'd rather stay here". Will sighed rubbing his soft eyes.

"You guys go along....I'll stay here with Will". It might have just been my imagination playing tricks on me, but I'm almost sure I saw a smile on his lips after I said that.

"Suit yourself" Dustin shrugged. "I call dibs on the pudding!" He ran off followed by Max and Lucas their laughter and foot steps becoming farther and farther away leaving the hallways quiet and empty.

Finally it was the two of us again, and I couldn't be happier about that. Will was now moving in closer to me my heart almost skipped a beat. He gently rested his head down on my shoulder adjusting himself comfortably on me. "Is this okay?" He questioned while still speaking in the same soft spoken voice.

My lips curved into a smile that I couldn't possibly rid from my face. "It's better than okay..."

Thank you!

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