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Will hadn't heard from Mike since he told him all about his chaotic day. No phone calls no letters. The boy was worried that something else went wrong, but in reality he must just be dealing with the after math of his probably divorced parents. So with that thought, Will didn't mind giving the boy a bit of space from the traumatic experience.

Although he still continued to send Mike letters about his time in Maine to keep up his promise, hopefully Mike appreciated the effort. If Will was being honest he was starting to enjoy it here more and more everyday. Still, nothing would ever compare to Hawkins.

Currently the brunette was trying to make it out of the house in time for the bus. For the first few days of school Bob was able to give Will rides back and forth from home to school, but that all changed once his work shift switched to an earlier time.

Of course on the first day of riding the public bus it was pouring outside making the sky dark and foggy. Will sighed opening his closet and grabbing the red rain coat with a matching umbrella located towards the back of the wardrobe. He successfully pulls out the waterproof wear, tossing the coat onto his body. He then slips his feet into some rain boots before making sure to grab his book bag.

There wasn't much time for breakfast so Will had to manage eating his eggo waffle out in the rain while also holding his umbrella. From a distance it seemed that some other kids were taking the bus too but one person in particular stood out to Will.

"Eddie? You take the bus" The boy jogged up to him and smiled.

The small boy shivered under the rain and nodded. "Unfortunately yes, my mom has work at these hours so she can't take me".

"Ahh. That's a surprise, isn't your mom like a control freak or something"

"Yeah....when she can be" Eddie chuckles. "What brings you to the bus?"

"My moms boyfriend, well fiancé.....he usually takes me to school but now he works the early shift.....so here I am" Will notices that Eddie isn't carrying an umbrella his hair and overall his entire body was drenched. "Wanna share?" Will leans his umbrella towards the boy. Eddie smiles in response and steps underneath.

"I'm so gonna get the flu, then my moms gonna make me take a thousand different medications" Eddie groans wrapping his arms around his body the wet clothes doing no justice to keep him warm.

Will still didn't understand the medicine situation."Your mom sounds like a real nightmare"

"She's worst than a nightmare, she's like Hell in human form" Eddie exaggerates.

The bus soon comes and all the kids including Will and Eddie pile into the vehicle.

The pair took a seat on the bus. The ride there being faster than expected.

Eddie stops in his tracks as he walks off the bus. "Crap Bowers is in front of the entrance"

Will squinted his eyes to the direction Eddie was looking in, and indeed Henry was front and center with a cigarette in between his finger tips. "Maybe we can go around the back"

"Trust me Will, if there was a back entrance I'd be there" Eddie sighs.

Will takes one last look at Bowers then looks to Eddie "Don't worry we'll be ok" for the good amount of time that he spent with Eddie, Will picked up on the fact that Eddies anxiety was just as bad as his own, so he didn't mind every now and then making sure that the boy was calm. Will linked arms with Eddie and the freckled face gave him worried eyes, yet they kept walking anyways.

"Well well well.....if it isn't faggot number one.......and faggot number two" Bowers burns out his almost finished cigarette onto the brick school walls before tossing it off to the side and walking up tauntingly towards the two boys along with his crew.

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