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Mike and El really hit it off since the day they went to the arcade with Lucas Dustin Max and Will. Mike seemed to really like El, and El seemed to really like Mike. Everyday for a week now since the arcade they've been hanging out. While they were out enjoying themselves Will was becoming depressed as the days went on. He missed Mike, Mike is his best friend after all and it was out of the ordinary for them not to talk everyday. Will didn't want to admit it but....he was a bit jealous of Mike and El's friendship.

"I just don't know what to do anymore Lucas...I really miss him". Will sighed kicking at the snow on the ground as he walked the path to school with Lucas.

All week Will and Lucas have been walking to school together instead of him and Mike. Will waited for him for three different mornings, but he never showed up so Will quit.

"I know you do buddy. Lucas patted his back. He'll come back and decide that he misses you too, you guys are best friends I'm sure he didn't forget that."

"Sometimes I feel like he did forget, all he wants to do is hang out with El now." Will sighed again. He felt like crying, but he didn't want to seem or feel weak.

As soon as Will arrived at school he spotted Mike standing alone at his locker. Will took this as the perfect opportunity to finally talk to him for the first time all week.

He walked up to him and cleared his throat to get his attention "Mike...long time no see". Will half heartedly laughed.

"Oh hey Will. I'm sorry we haven't talked in so long...I know I have been kinda ditching you in the mornings when we walk to school". Mike frowned a bit.

"Yeahhh...." An awkward silence filled the air until El snuck up behind the two.

Will couldn't believe his eyes when El suddenly left a kiss on Mikes cheek along with a hug. Mikes cheeks turned a bright shade of red while Will stood there with a broken heart and tears threatening to spill from his brown eyes.

"Are you guys d-dating". Will chocked on his words as he spoke.

"Um...we've been a thing for a little while now". Mike said. He could see that Will was hurt but he didn't want to put him on the spot in front of El by bringing it up, so he pretended not to notice.

"We should get going babe, we have first period". El looked up at Mike while locking arms with him.

Will still stood in the same spot unable to move.

"I'll see you later Will, we should probably go". Mike put a hand on Will's shoulder before taking off with El.

Will had been holding back tears for far too long, this was his breaking point. He let the hot tears slip from his eyes and roll down his cheeks. Small sniffling sounding through the school halls.

"Will are you okay?" He heard a familiar voice which belonged to Max. Will didn't bother looking up since he already knew who it was, he just continued to sob into his hands while sitting on the ground his knees up to his chest.

Max sat with him and pulled him into a hug which he accepted. He cried on her shoulder as she rubbed his back. They stayed this way in the empty halls for quite some time until Will pulled away.

It was quiet for a few minutes both Will and Max staring at the wall in front of them, until Will finally decided to speak

"M-Mikes dating El". He turned to look at Max Will's soft voice echoed through the empty halls.

"I know...It's all El talks about with me". Max shook her head and let out a small laugh.

"I shouldn't even care, right? Mikes only my best friend". Will tried to hide the fact that he was basically in love with Mike. Unfortunately Max caught on.

"You like him, don't you". Max smirked at Will.

"How did you- yeah I do....a lot". Will smiled down at the ground at the thought of him.

"I knew the whole time Will, I'm surprised you guys aren't dating yet. It's clear Mike likes you too." She lifted her hand to wipe the tears from Will's soft eyes.

"Well if he likes me, then why is he with her". Will voice cracked and he could feel himself starting to cry.

Max sighed not knowing what to say. "How about we skip school today, me and you. You deserve a day off". Max assured him.

"I don't know my mom will find out then I'll get grounded then-

"Don't stress, everything will be fine. I'll get us some ice cream my treat". Max stood up sticking her arm out to help Will up.

Will took her hand and stood up."Ok I'll go, but if we get in trouble you better take the blame".

"Come on scaredy cat". Max rolled her eyes and laughed pulling Will with her outside into the cold winter.


So sorry for the boring chapter! I needed a fill in so I can explain what's going on so I could get to the good parts.

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