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The walk home from school this afternoon was brutal today. The snow was coming down harder than ever despite the fact that Will might be coming down with something since the weather is below 30 degrees, all he was worried about at this very moment was getting to Mikes house.

Will was told this morning from Mike himself over the house phone that he would be out with the flu, but Mike still wanted to see Will so he asked him to visit as soon as school is over.

He struggled through the snow until he was finally front and center at Mikes front door.

Will adjusted the beanie sat on top of his head before ringing the door bell.

Sooner than expected a tired looking Mike with messy hair and a reddened nose from all the sneezing, answered the door. "Oh hey Will you-" he paused to sneeze which Will found funny but mostly adorable. "Made it."

"How could I not, I have to take care of my best friend don't I?" Will chuckled while entering Mikes warm home. Mikes house always felt like Will's second home....sometimes even his first since he's there a lot more often then his own house.

Mike only smiled at Will's kind words, he grabbed onto his hand to pull him up to his bedroom.

I got some new video games last week, since I'm out sick I thought maybe we can play them" He spoke with excitement even with his weakened immune system, Will always made him feel so much better.

"Oh cool what games do you have" Will sat Indian style on the ground watching mike rummage through his boxes of games.

"I have Mario bros, super Mario bros, Tetris- Will cut off his speaking and grabbed the super Mario bros game.

Mike giggled. "super Mario it is". He grabbed two controllers and handed one to Will as he sat down with his blanket wrapped around him to keep him warm so he wouldn't get more sick.

As mike was getting the game set up Will began to feel a little cold. He wrapped his arms around himself to keep warm while shaking a bit. Mike of course noticed this. "Are you cold? I can share my blanket with you." Mike moved in closer to Will, and tossed half of the soft material over his shoulders which Will happily wrapped tightly around him. He blushes heavily at the sweet gesture. "T-thank you". Will breathed out with a small crack in his voice. Mike grinned at him and the two boys stared into each others eyes for quite awhile until they both realized they had drifted off into a gaze.

"Can I tell you something." Mike finally spoke tearing his eyes away from Will to look down at his hands.

"Yeah ask away..." Will said.

He thought in his head for awhile exactly how he wanted to say this but there was no way around it, he had to just come right out literally. "I think I'm gay.." Mike said fiddling with his fingers being too scared to look at Will's reaction.

"R-really...what made you think that". Will felt a huge weight lift off of his shoulders because what Mike didn't know was that Will was also questioning his sexuality, and it helped that he wasn't alone.

"I-I can't tell you, you would probably never talk or see me the same way again if I did".

"Mike I promise.....there's nothing in this world that would make me stop talking to you".

"Are you sure Will." He bit his pink tinted lips hesitantly looking into Will's big brown eyes.

"I'm sure"

Mike took in a breath."I think that because of you".
If you're wondering how old they are, everyone in this book goes to high school and ig they can be like 15-16.

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