January (part 2)

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"You said you needed to talk" Will slides into the cafeteria seats in front of both Mike and Eleven who were all over each other.

Mikes been caught up with El the two being the high school love birds for the past few weeks. At this point the whole school knew them as the sweet hearts of the sophomore grade. Will tried to ignore this being that he was jealous but not only that he was just tired of hearing about it, especially since Eleven is just no good for Mike and no one else except for him could see it, she's just....too uptight full of herself basically like all the cheerleaders in this school. Will is almost positive deep down Mike knows this, but just won't admit it.

Mikes pale fingers are all curled up in Elevens perfectly straight brunette hair a goofy smile on both their faces flushed red cheeks settled on their skin.

The singled boy cleared his throat growing annoyed of waiting. Mikes eyes widened when he noticed him across the table. Letting go of El's face and hair that he was just lusting over. "Um babe can you give us a minute" He longingly let go of her delicate manicured hands.

She only rolled her eyes but with understanding that he needed to talk to his friend she stood up and left the two, but then the clicking of her high heels sounded as she turned back around before getting too far with a sullen look on her face. "Don't be too long,I'll miss you" And that's exactly what Mike was talking about when he said Eleven was clingy, she intrinsically followed the boy around like an abandoned lost puppy with no where to go, Mike didn't exactly mind this but sometimes he wouldn't mind if she toned it down. Will rolled his eyes at the brunette who walked off to chat her mouth off with the rest of the cheer team who for some reason had their own personal lunch table.

Mike began to think up all the things he wanted to say from this morning now playing with the gross puke like substance in his tray also known as school lunch.

"So Will, I'm not sure how to um....say this without sounding like a complete asshole and I really don't mean to say this to hurt your feelings" Mikes rambling caused a burst of anxiety to rush through Wills entire body a paralyzing feeling and a tight ache at his heart a feeling he got far too often, he just wanted him to get to the point already. "What I'm trying to say is....we need....space from each other, I think it'll be good for us"

Will couldn't believe the doltish words that had left Mike's lips he could almost sock him in the face right then and there. "You do realize this is the longest conversation we have had in nearly two weeks, technically we've already been on a break"

Mike sensed the frustration in Will's voice. He didn't want him to be mad he just wanted him to be understanding. "I just think we spend too much time together that's all"

"That's never been a problem before.....what changed" Will could feel his face heating up from embarrassment now realizing that Eleven isn't the only one who's clingy but he himself couldn't stand to not be without Mike.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feel-"

"No, no you're right we should take a break" The small boy didn't want to be in Mikes way anymore now he felt as if he was a burden to his poor best friend. "I'll see you around" The boy wasted no time standing up and grabbing his things making a b line to the exit of the cafeteria.

Will needed to be alone in that moment. For once he didn't need to cry or have any sort of breakdown he almost felt numb. He just needed to be by himself to clear his mind.

The library. It was a perfect place to be at times like this usually when Will wanted to be alone he wanted only to be alone with Mike in their corner. They would sit where all the astronomy books were, it was their favorite comfort topic all the planets and the amount of space in space amazed the two, but that changed now. This is the first time in awhile this corner had been used by either of them.

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