February part 2

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"We need to get you to a hospital" Max panics.

"How are we gonna do that? Neither of us can drive" Mike holds his arm and winces in pain.

Max ponders knowing that Mike is right. She runs a hand through her hair in frustration beginning to help the boy on his feet once she catches an idea. "Ok well.....we can at least make it to my place on foot"

The whole way there was whines of pain from Mike. The red head for sure was getting tired of the whimpers but she is the reason this all happened in the first place so there wasn't much she can complain about.

"Alright we're finally here. They walk up to Max's front door. "How are you holding up" she turns to Mike then knocks.

"All I feel is pain" Mike plainly says with a dead expression on his face.

"Ha ha....great you're getting better"

The girl groans and knocks on the door harder. "Geez is anyone alert in my house"

Max waited patiently, well she at least waited five seconds before just getting a key from underneath the welcome mat. Max was never one to be patient.

"Oh god what the hell is this" Max shields her eyes.

The raven haired boy also stops in his tracks."H-Holy shit" Mike looked stunned, flustered and angry. His arm already hurt like hell, but seeing his very married mother mid make out with Max's stepbrother Billy only increased the pain.

"Billy are you fucking kidding me, that's Mikes mom" Max shouted storming up to her brother to throw a hard punch at his arm which didn't do much harm considering he was a built guy and Max was only a young girl.

"Mom?" Mike blankly says still holding his arm tightly.

Karen blinked fast trying her best to button the back of her dress and straighten out her hair. "Y-yes hunny"

"Can you take me to the hospital my arm is broken" Mike was well aware of what he just saw. Although his brain was completely scattered the nauseous feeling was throwing off his thinking and the boy didn't know how to handle his own mother cheating with a guy much too young for her. It was all just too much too fast.

"Oh yes of course we'll go right away" Karen scurries off the couch not bothering to put her heels back on rather carrying them in her hand walking bare foot to the car as quickly as possible.

Max gave one sympathetic look to Mike and he only whispered back. "I'll call you"

Max nodded and frowned before turning back to Billy to start up her shouting once again. "You ugly bald bastard, how could you do that to my friend"

Mike got into the back seat wanting to be as far away from his mother as possible. Can he even call her that anymore?

"Mike.....what you saw in there was a mistake-

He cut her off by saying "radio please"

Karen sighs and does as she's told.

The car ride was quiet. Mike wasn't much of a cryer nothing like Will no offense to him, but right now all he could think of doing was crying. Everything seemed to be falling apart.

Thankfully the hospital wasn't too crowded and Mike was able to get taken in for a cast. His arm was feeling a lot better so now he was able to think clearly about today's events.

He completely shut his mother out for the rest of the afternoon and locked himself in the basement. Mike thought it was appropriate to give her the silent treatment after what she did, after completely ruining their family for some douche bag.

The boy picked up the house phone and dialed in Will's number. He said he would call Max but he needed Will more.

Once Will finally picks up Mike immediately has a small smile on his face and says "Hi cutie"

"Oh cut it out Mikey I'm not cute" Will chuckles out. "How are you doing?"

"Today has been the worst" Mike breathed out heavily getting straight to the point.

"Tell me about it, I failed my chem test" Will snickers. "But enough about me, what going on with you"

"So much, I think this day is cursed" Mike first remembered the little gift Richie left at the arcade. Mike didn't have the heart to tell Will that part, he loved the graffiti work just as much as Mike it'd break his heart. So leaving that part out might be best.

"You know I'm always here to listen. Vent to me don't leave out a single detail"

Mike was relieved to hear that. He didn't want Will to feel that he was using him as someone to vent his problems to, because he meant much more to Mike than just a person to talk over the phone with.

"So....you know Max's step brother Billy"

"The asshole with the bad hair cut? Sure."

"I have ever reason to believe that my mom is cheating on my dad with Billy" Mike says barely being able to say the words without grossing himself out.

"Oh....I was not expecting that, wow. Are you ok?"

"I don't even know if I'm ok. Right now all I feel is anger, mostly towards my mom"

"Aw Mike...I wish I could hug you right now and make it better"

"I might have to tell my dad everything I saw, I know my mom won't tell him"

An awkward silence was now coming from both boys. This had been happening quite often since the last few phone calls. The two weren't exactly sure why this occurring, Will feared that it might be the lack of time that one another use to spend together.

"I mailed you something of mine....it's a surprise though so I won't tell you what it is" Will finally responds.

Mike smiles. "I cant wait to see it"

After the phone call with Will, Mike paced around the basement trying to find the right words to say to his father. It was gonna be difficult breaking the news to him since it's naturally always hard telling someone bad news, so Mike decided that it's her place to tell him.

Mike walked up the basement stairs looking all around for his mom but she was no where to be found.

The raven haired boy then find a suspicious note on the fridge door. It's from Karen.

By the time you're reading this I'll be off to the airport. I'm sorry for what I've done, I'll never forgive myself. Just know that I love each of you dearly. I won't be returning, you are all better off without me. I know I messed up let me fix this by leaving. You guys are the best family anyone can ask for, I mean that.


Mikes vision was blurry by the end of the letter. His heart was beating faster than it should be and it felt as if the room was spinning like a carousel. He was furious at his mother, though he never wanted her to pick up and leave like this.

He clenched the letter in his hand then stumbled to the nearest seat in the kitchen resting his head on the cold table. He felt light headed like all of this was some sort of sick dream.

The boy wished this was a dream.

Reading your guys comments is the most entertaining part of my day lmaoo

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