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"Ugh! there's never anything interesting to watch." Mike threw his head back and groaned in boredom while flipping through the channels on the television . The two were sat on Will's living room couch, Will's head in Mikes lap allowing the boy to softly run his hands through Will's chestnut hair.

"Let's just watch reruns of crappy Christmas movies." Will shrugged remembering that Christmas is right around the corner.

"Hmm okay." Mike started flipping through the channels again until he heard the door bell.

"I'll get it" Will sat up letting Mike get up from the couch to get the door.

He twisted the handle and opened the door revealing Eleven which made Mike furrow his eyebrows. "El? What are you doing here?"

He noticed the tears beginning to form in her eyes causing him to become worried and even more confused.

"We need to talk, can I come in?" Eleven fiddled nervously with her fingers fighting back her tears.

"Sure yeah come in". Mike stepped to the side then shut the door behind her once she was sat on the couch awkwardly next to Will who was just as confused as Mike.

"Um I'm gonna go get some water...." Will coughed at the obviously uncomfortable situation.

Mike sat down hesitantly next to Eleven. "So what's up" his breath was shaky.

"I'm breaking up with you...Mike". Tears began falling from her eyes.

"You're breaking up with me...but why I thought everything was working out okay between us." Mike shook his head with furrowed eyebrows.

"I thought so too, but Max told me earlier today at school that you think you aren't straight?? I mean come on Mike what does that mean for us!"

Mike frowned at her yelling. She was right he wasn't sure if he was straight or not but he still had feeling for Eleven which confused him.

"I'm sorry El, I was gonna tell you I just...I didn't know how to tell you." Mike held back tears.

"Just forget it, we're over." El stood up and walked straight to the door slamming it behind her leaving Mike alone on the couch.

Meanwhile Will was in the kitchen feeling guilty as ever. He had forgotten completely to tell Max not to say anything to Eleven.

Will slowly walked into the living and sat next to Mike putting an arm around him. "A-Are you okay?"

"She....broke up with me." He whispered with a broken voice. "I thought everything was going well."

"M-Mike I have something to tell you." Will chewed on his lower lip. His suspenseful voice caused Mike to look at him. "Okay...tell me."

"I told Max everything you told me. And I think she might have told Eleven."

Mike looked at him with disbelief and pure hurt in his eyes."Y-you what! That...that was suppose to stay between us Will, you should know that." Mike clenched his fist and stood up above Will.

Mikes booming voice made the small boy flinch. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you....only Max was suppose to know". Will's heart shattered like glass when Mike started towards the door pure anger in his foot steps.

Mike turned on his heel.

"Well guess what Will?" His voice was so harsh Will could barely recognize who he was talking with. "She knows now cause you couldn't keep your mouth shut, what Will? Are you fucking jealous." He rolled his eyes and kept walking.

Mike swung the door open the cold December wind hitting his exposed face, forgetting his winter jacket and everything behind in Will's house.

"It's cold Mike please come inside". Will shivered in the freezing cold watching Mike storm down the steps and into the snow.

He wouldn't listen as he kept walking down the street Will watched as his figure got blurry and harder to see with distance. Will sniffled trying to rid the tears but they continued to stream down his pale face. He shut his house door and slid his back down it grabbing his knees up to his chest. His thoughts began to consume him as he thought about Mike never talking to him again.

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