December (part 2)

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Mike p.o.v

Will and I arrived at lunch and went to the lunch table we normally sat at all year round.

"Where's Max?" I questioned pulling out my chair and sitting down in front of Dustin and Lucas while taking out my ham and cheese sandwich.

"The last time I saw her was in trigonometry  this morning". Lucas said shrugging.

"I saw her pass by me in the hall with the new  girl." Dustin said finishing off his second pudding cup. 

"I'm gonna go get some lays from the snack line, anyone wanna come with?" Will asked standing up from his seat.

Everyone said no in unison before Will took off.

Max entered the cafeteria with a brunette girl, her hair just above her shoulders and a pair of round reading glasses set on her face. I assumed this was the girl Dustin was talking about earlier."Hey guys, this is my new friend Eleven...El for short. Do you guys mind if she sits with us?" Max asked her arm linked with the brunette girls arm.

We all agreed that it was okay. Max sat next to Dustin and Lucas while Eleven sat in Will's seat across from Max. I wanted to tell her that was Will's seat....but I decided against it, not wanting to be rude since she's new to the school.

"Umm hi I'm Mike." I gave her a warm smile deciding to start up a conversation with her just to be nice.

She smiled back at me and said hi. She spoke so softly I could barely hear it. I could tell she was a little was cute. ( I promise this is still a byler story don't worry)

"So what school did you come from?" I ask taking a sip from my juice box.

"School's just down the street from here". El blushed tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Really, my cousin use to go to that school but he switched here with me".

Will came back shortly and I saw a slight look of confusion in his face at the sight of El. He took the seat on the other side of me still checking out El from afar with furrowed eyebrows.

Max threw a french fry at him and mouthed 'stop staring you're freaking her out'. Will
looked down at his hands with a reddened face not realizing he was scaring her.

"After school all of us always go to the arcade, do you wanna come with?" I ask facing El.

"Oh I wouldn't want to be a bother, you guys go ahead".

"No it's okay we'd love for you to go". I smiled.

"Well if you all don't mind I'll definitely be there". El nodded her head.

"Of course we don't mind". Max smiled.
Will p.o.v

For the rest of lunch it was pretty much just El and Mike talking to each other the whole time with Max occasionally budding into the conversation. I felt kinda left out since I was so use to getting all Mikes attention, but clearly he didn't want anything to do with me anymore. All he wanted to do was talk with El. As soon as the bell rung I threw my trash away and rushed out the cafeteria not even bothering to wait for Mike.

Mike p.o.v

"Do we have any classes together maybe we can walk together?" I asked El.

"Hmm let me see". She took out a blue piece of paper which had her entire schedule on it.

"I have English class with Mrs. Howard right now". She looked up at me.

"Oh sweet I have the same class we can walk together now". Happily we both took off.

As we were walking I started to feel a bit off, as if someone were missing. Then it hit me, I haven't talked to Will all lunch period and it looked like he walked off right after. I felt a little bad that I ignored Will, but El seems like she needs some friends since she's new and all. Will will definitely understand...he always does.

Surprise! Eleven or El, whichever you prefer is the new character in the story. She isn't exactly like the El we all love and adore in stranger things since she actually talks in this story and doesn't have her telekinesis but I still wanted to add her in. I felt that I needed more characters and something that will spark some drama in the story, so be prepared for that ;)

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