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"Will've been in bed all day you can't just slump around all afternoon." Joyce signed while looking at the chestnut haired boy wrapped in a blanket staring into space at his window.

"Why can't I." He didn't move a muscle, still staring out the window watching the rain slowly drip from his window.

Joyce walked towards Will and sat at the edge of the bed besides him."What's wrong, did something happen between you and Mike?"

"How do you figure it's about Mike?" Will knitted his brows together sitting up against his headboard.

"Because the two of you haven't hung out in about two weeks now....and I also heard all the voice mails you've been sending to him..." Joyce admitted to her eavesdropping.

Will only sighed in response looking down at his fingers.

"Look...I know you think it's all down hill from here, but I promise you it 's not. Mikes your best friend remember that".

Joyce's optimism made Will feel a little better but he still felt as if he was dying from the inside.

"Now it's time for you to get out of bed mister. I have some hot chocolate waiting for you down stairs." With that Joyce left Will alone again making the boy groan and drag his body out of the warm bed.

His cold feet hit the wooden floor wincing at the chills he got as he started towards the stairs. He soon stopped at the bottom step his body stiffening at the sight of a soaking wet Mike at the door Joyce holding it open with a awkward smile on her face.



The two were now sat awkwardly across from each other at the dining room table a cup of hot chocolate in each of there hands.

Mike tapped his fingers impatiently on the table. Finally he broke the silence.

"I-I came here for my jacket and scarf....left it here last week."

Will eyes drifted to Mike almost forgetting how to speak. "R-Right my mom washed it".

"I know Joyce is a bit of a clean freak". Mike let out a breathy laugh.

Their eyes locked for quite awhile admiring each other. Will cleared his throat and remembered what Mike came for in the first place. "Your jacket of course how could I forget". He shifted in his seat and got up grabbing the burgundy coat off the hook.

He turned around startled by Mikes unexpected presence right behind him

"S-Shit don't scare me like that". Will chuckled softly and handed him his jacket which Mike took ignoring his comment.

"I should get going....thank your mom for me for washing the jacket".

"Yeah of course Mike" Will slightly frowned
watching Mikes actions as he twisted the gold knob open but suddenly he turned around.



"I'm sorry, really sorry for yelling like that....I never meant to get to harsh." He let go of the door and stepped in front of the smaller boy.

"No Mike, I'm the one who should be sorry I had no right to do what I did." Will looked down at his feet a habit that he did a lot.

Mike gently touched Will's chin and tilted his head up to look at him, he then pressed a quick soft kiss to his cheek. "You're my best friend one not even Eleven will get in between us, it's you and me forever and always. Ok?"


This sucks this whole story sucks I'm sorry

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