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Mike p.o.v

I felt terrible about what happened with Will yesterday. I didn't mean for him to find out that way. It did confuse me a little why he was upset in the first place. From the looks of it, it seemed that he didn't like me in that way. After we kissed that one afternoon...he stormed off so I guessed he was hinting that he didn't want me.

Part of me has feeling for him, but....since I'm with El now, I shouldn't really be having those feeling towards Will.

Currently I'm pacing around my room contemplating on whether or not I should call him. I was afraid he might be mad at me and not want to talk to me. I took in a deep breath and gathered up all my courage to pick up the phone and dial his number in.

The phone rang a few times until a women's voice picked up. Must be Joyce.

"Hi Will home by any chance?"

"Uh yeah he's upstairs I'll call him down". Joyce said.

I waited a few moments until Will finally arrived at the phone.

"Mike?" He spoke through the phone.

"Hey I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out today". I fiddled with the cord of the phone twisting the thick wire around my fingers waiting for a response.

"Sure I'll be there in 10 minuets." His voice sounding sorta happy.

"Okay bye see you then". With that I hung up the phone a smile on my face.


The doorbell soon rang from down stairs. Mike rushed down the steps and quickly unlocked the locks swinging the door open to reveal Will.

He was dressed in his usual navy blue winter coat paired with his hat scarf and gloves. Mike thought he looked adorable especially the way his little nose was a bright red color, along with a few snowflakes on the brown hairs that peaked out of his beanie.

"Wanna go up to my room? It's much warmer up there". Mike grinned.

Will nodded in response."It's like Antarctica out there". Will shivered pulling his jacket off his body and hanging it on the hook leaving him in a Olive green knitted sweater, the sleeves going over his palms a bit due to the oversizing of it.

Mike couldn't help but smile at how cute Will looked in that very moment. He took Will's small hand in his, walking him up the stairs to his bedroom.

"I have a few movies my mom got from blockbuster that we could watch" Mike let go of Will's hand to grab the stack of tapes.

"I have ghost busters, wanna watch that?" Mike asked.

"Yeah that seems fine." Will smiled while getting into Mikes bed to get comfortable.

Will treated Mikes home as if it were his own since he has been there so many times for so many years.

Will watched as Mike put the tape in and then crawled into bed next to him.

"Should I get us some food or something...?" Mike asked.

"No it's fine". Will shook his head.

The movie dragged on, it wasn't that the movie was boring to the two but all Will and Mike could pay attention to is each other.

Will's eyes began to get heavy and without thinking about it, he rests his head on Mikes shoulder and laid his legs across Mikes cuddling up to him with a yawn.

Mikes heart started to beat fast and he began to get butterflies. This was a feeling Mike never got with El. At this point Mike paid no attention to the movie, his full attention was on Will and how adorable he looked resting on him the way he was.

"A-Are you tired". Mike whispered to the  brown haired boy.

"A little, if I fall asleep....don't wake me". Will laced his hands with Mikes and nuzzled his head into the crook of Mikes neck. Mikes heart fluttered while he listened to the small breaths coming from the now sleeping boy.


Will woke up from his slumber which lasted about an hour. He sat in the same position with his legs across Mikes and his head resting on his shoulder, both boys still watching the television. Neither of them found it strange to cuddle with each other the way that they did since they have been doing it throughout their whole friendship, it became a normal thing for the two.

"Do you have any popcorn? The hunger got to me". Will chuckled getting up from his spot and stretching.

"Hmm yeah we can go make some, I'm kinda hungry too". Mike softly laughed.

Both boys went down to the kitchen. Mike opened his pantry and grabbed the microwave popcorn then simply put it in the microwave for it to cook.

Will hopped up onto the counter top and waited for the popcorn to be finished.

"Sooo how are you and Eleven". Will suddenly spoke trying to start up a conversation.

"We are fine...I guess". Mike shrugged.

"You guess? What do you mean by that, do you not want to date her?" Will questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"I think I do I-

Mike bit the tip of his tongue and took a long pause

"C-Can I be really honest with you about something". Mike looked at Will.

"Of course you can, you can tell me anything".

"I'm not completely sure if I'm straight or not....don't get me wrong I like El, it just doesn't feel right dating her." Mike sighed feeling a huge weight lifted off of his shoulders. He's been holding that confession in for awhile.

"Oh....are you gonna break up with her." If Will was being honest, he would be pretty happy about Mike breaking up with El.

Mike ignored Will's question when he suddenly remembered the kiss they had a few days ago

"Will...?" Mikes breath was shaky as he spoke afraid to bring up the memory.

"Hmm?" Will looked up from his hands.

"Remember when we kissed a few days ago?"

Will's heart started to beat and his face was a bright red tint."Um yeah,what about it?"

"That kiss felt a lot different then when I kiss El if you know what I mean." Mike quietly spoke.

"I'm not sure I do....What do you mean by different?" Will questioned not completely understanding what Mike was trying to say.

Mike sighed and bit is chapped lips."I mean that I don't get butterflies or my heart doesn't beat faster than it should, and I never feel the desire to lean in and do it again." His face heated up in embarrassment not realizing how descriptive he got about kissing Will.

Will smiled so big, he attempted to bring the sleeves of his sweater up to his face to hide the smile and his blushing.

"Please don't tell Eleven though....I wouldn't want to hurt her." Mike swallowed hard.

His smile soon disappeared and he dropped his hand from his face."Of course m-my lips are sealed". Will faked a smile.

Mike parted his lips to speak but then closed them. He wanted to tell Will that he liked him a lot, even though he's almost sure Will is already aware of that, but he can't just drop Eleven. Mike still had small feeling for her but his feelings for Will were much stronger.

I tried to make this chapter a little lengthy hehe

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