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"Thanks for letting me spend the night here, I can't stand being at home any longer" Mike set up his sleeping bag alongside Max's bed.

For the past few nights Max allowed Mike to stay over at her place since things weren't going so well back at home. 

"Of course you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like" she gives him a small smile. "I'm sure things at home will work out soon enough...."

Mike had it in his mind that his mother would come back. He thought, maybe she just needed a break from it all, but this was no vacation.....she was really gone. It's already been a week and there was not one phone call from her. Mike himself needed a get away being that his father Ted wheeler, just moped around the house and laid in bed all day being depressed about Karen. The boy just couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm really sorry about everything, I'm here for you though" Max tosses Mike an extra blanket knowing her room gets extra cold at night.

Mike halfheartedly smiles. "Thanks for always helping me out, it means a lot" He enters his sleeping bag and lays on his back to face the ceiling above. He doesn't think much sleeping will be happening in the sleeping bag tonight. Not with everything that's on his mind.

"I thought I should tell you...." Max crawled onto her bed and turned her body to face Mike so she can get a better view of him from the ground. "Will called earlier, he asked me if you were doing ok. He said he didn't want to call you directly, apparently he wanted to give you some space."

Mike sighs. He wanted to break down into tears. As much as he wanted to respond to all of Will's letters....he couldn't. He didn't want to involve Will in all his problems and have Will feeling bad for him. Mikes number one priority was to make sure Will was kept happy, telling him that his mother ran away and how he's basically an orphan because his own father won't take care of him anymore will not make Will happy.

"I-I'm just not ready to talk to him yet, I need  time. If you can.....please tell him I'm doing fine and that I'll talk to him soon." Mike quietly speak.

"Yeah, I'll definitely let him know......but Mike you really should talk to him sooner than later. He's super worried about you." Mike wasn't the only one who cared a lot about Will, Max cared just as much. She talked to him over the phone on occasion just to check up on him and she was glad that he was doing fine in Maine.

"I don't mean to make him to worry" Mike frowned. "But he'll worry even more when he finds out that my mom fucking left me and my whole family" Mike groaned in frustration not understanding how his life can turn upside down in only a week.

"At least talk to him about something else rather than your family. Leave all that other crap out. He just wants to hear your voice. If you care about him you'll do it" Max says while getting under her blanket for bed.

"Everything would be so much better if he wasn't all the way in Maine, I'd be holding him right now" Mike sighed while turning on his side getting into a fetal position. School is in the morning so Mike decided it's probably best to get some shut eye.

"Wake up wheeler" Max slams the off button of the alarm clock, then throws a pillow down at Mike earning a tired groan from the boy.

Mike sits up with his eyes remained closed then quietly says"F-Five minuets please" before laying back down.

"No Mike not again. I already reset the alarm clock seven times we're gonna be late" Max steps off her bed and hits Mike several times with the same pillow she threw at him earlier.

"Ughhh but I'm tired" Mike tries pushing Max away but she wasn't budging.

"Too bad you should of thought of that before you decided to wake me up at 3 am to rant about how in love you are with Will."

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