Drakor: Chapt.9: Flowers

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I stood and looked down at Kanna sleeping. I overdid it; she had a few bruises forming on her thighs. I sighed and slipped my shirt one. I buttoned them up.

I need to go and have everything ready for her. I hope she doesn't wake up. I want to be here when she does. 

I finished getting dressed and headed out. I got on my horse and rode toward home.

When I got there, Berith was on the throne talking to Nicole. What is she doing here? "Hey, brother look who's here."

"I can see that," I said. "Do you need something?"

"I heard a demon is living around here," she smiled. "Drakor, don't you think you should chase her off. I mean she could be a danger to all of us."

"She's not a danger," I said. "Look, if you came here to bug me around about that, you could leave."

"Oh," she smiled. "Sorry, I think I touch a nerve. I won't mention it again. But I was wondering since I am here we could go for a stroll?"

"No," I said. "I am busy at the moment, Ask Berith to hang out. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do."

I walked past him and went to get the one maid I can trust with being around Kanna. "Nika." She turned to me. 

"Yes, master?" She set the blankets down. "How may I help you?"

"I need you to get my bedroom ready," I said. "I want you to, placed flowers and make sure to make it feminine,"

"Flowers?" She tilts her head. "But you don't like flowers in your bedroom." She had this wicked smiled and scooted closer. "Who is she? Eh? Eh?" She nudged my side. I groaned. Nika can be such a drag.

"Her name is Kanna," I said. "You already met her. She's the one that hit you remember?"

"Oh her," Nika smiled. "Oh, la, la she is a pretty lady, even though she is a demon and she almost cracks my head open. But alright, I will get the best roses to perfume the room. It's my chance actually to decorate a room and make it feminine."

"Don't go overboard," I said. "Have it ready before dark. I will come back in a bit. I have to get Kanna."

"I shall even have dinner ready," Nika smiled.

"Also, you will be by her side all the time," I said. "So you don't have to worry about anything else but her. You can leave your work to the other maids. And you will be moved upstairs to the left wing of the house. To be closer to her."

"Okay," she smiled. "Any room?"

"Ah," I groaned. "Yeah, you can have one of the master bedrooms."

"Thanks," Nika smiled. "I shall go get the room ready." She ran off.

I smiled. Nika is a girl with a lot of energy. I saved her from being mauled by some angry lions. She was only a baby, who fell off her nest after the same lions killed her parents. And I have been taking care of her ever since. She became one of my maids, but she has more privileges than others.

I shook my head and went back out. "Drakor, where are you going?" Berith asked. "The least you could do is tend to your guests. Nicole is now an important woman; she married the man with the most money aside from you. And you need to tend to her."

"No," I said. "I have other things to do. I am bringing Kanna here to live with us. And if you don't like it, then that is your problem."

"Drakor," Berith followed him. "She is going to kick my ass. I am not sticking around for that. And you can deal with Nicole. She will come back later."

I shrugged and walked out. I don't have time to deal with that woman. I left and went back to Kanna's home. I found her awake eating some tarts. "Hey, look, someone left them for me outside. I guess they knocked by I was asleep. Blueberry, want some, here." She cut a piece and held the fork out to me. I walked over and let her feed me. "Good?"

"Yes," I said. "Tastes like the ones that Mr. Baker makes. He must've had stopped by to see you. We could pass by and thank him."

"Oh, okay," Kanna smiled and stood. "Let's go; I have my things ready."

I nodded and grabbed her things. She grabbed the basket and walked out closing the door. She locked it with a key. "Let's go, ah is the horse the only thing you've brought?"

"Yes," I said. "Sorry. I was in a hurry and forgot I needed a carriage."

She sighed. "It's fine; I can manage. Help me up." I nodded and helped her up on to the horse. I handed her her things. Then I got on behind her.

"Ready?" She nod. I rode off to town.

We stopped by Mr. Bakers shop. He was closing up. It was pretty late. "My. Baker."

"Oh, Miss Kanna," he smiled. "Did you get my tarts? I knocked by you didn't answer."

"I got them," she smiled. "Thank you; they are delicious."

"I am glad you like them," he smiled.

"Well goodnight," I said.

"Night, and treat her well," he said. I nodded and continued our way. Kanna and against me. "You seem to be trusting me more."

"I have too," she said. "I can't keep running away from everyone. Especially not you, since you took my virginity you have a responsibility to me. You have to take care of me."

I groaned. "That I know, for all we know you could be pregnant."

"I'm not," she said.

"How are you so sure?" I asked. I frowned. "Can you not have kids?"

"I can," she looked at me. "But I don't plan on having kids yet, so to avoid it I take a tea that cleans me. That way I won't get pregnant. It took it after we had sex."

"I see," I sighed. "Stop taking those teas; you could damage your body."

"No," she said. "My mother showed me how before that man took me away. She didn't want me to have kids from someone that held me against my will."

"Still," I enter through the gates and to the front doors. I got off and helped her down. "I want to have kids and with you taking those teas. It won't help."

"Drakor," she glared. "I won't stop drinking them. A child between you and me won't work. He or she will be different. And I don't want that. So please do not ask me that."

"Fine," I said. I let the guard take my horse. I lead Kanna inside. Berith was still here and with Nicole. 

"Ah, Drakor," Berith smiled. "She came back, see."

"I see," I frowned. "Kanna this is Berith, my brother. And that is Miss Nicole. Her husband supplies us with goods."

"Hello," Kanna shook her hand and then stomped on Berith foot. "If you ever drag me out naked to a public place, I am going to rip your hair out."

Berith groaned. "I apologize for that. It will never happen again."

Kanna smiled. "I forgive you, tart?" She held the tart out to him. He grabbed a slice and ate it. "Mr. Baker made it for me. Ah, you want some too?"

"No thank you," Nicole smiled. 

But I could tell it was a fake smile. I grab Kanna.

"Oh," she looked at me.

"Come, I will show you to our room," I said and led her away. I don't want Nicole to say something that will tick Kanna off.

It's best to keep Kanna away from people like Nicole. For their safety.






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