Kanna: Chapt.22: Attacked, Pregnant?

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I took deep breathes and let them out. "We missed dinner." I lay face down on the bed with Drakor on me.

He planted kisses along my back. "It doesn't matter the elders probably ate already. I will ask Nika to bring dinner to our room." I nod.

He stood and got dressed and left the room.

I lay there staring at the lamp.

"Sex is becoming to frequent," Kan said. "We should put a limit. I do not want to have a child while a mad king is after us. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I said. "But I can't help up when I said no, I get caught up in Drakor's kisses. I am weak."

"Woman up," she said.

I sighed.

I rolled onto my back and stretched. "You're a lovely woman." I gasped and sat up. Doryu stood by the door. I glared and pulled the blanket to me. "Ashamed? Don't be you have a beautiful body. Are you good in bed?"

"You're a perv," I said. "You put this fraudulent act to hide your perviness."

He smiled. "Your good." He said and walked over. I watched him. "If you're able to keep dragging Drakor to bed, it means your good at what you do. I'm sure your mother will be the same. I will have her. I always get what I want."

I slapped him. "Keep your filthy hands off my mother." He chuckled and hit me back. I held my cheek. This bastard.

I launched myself at him and began to claw him. "Don't ever put your hands on me!" I growled. "You may be an important person. But I don't care. You don't have a right to hit me!"

He pushed me off and fell back. He stood and kicked me in the stomach. I winced and curled up. I was used to kicks, but this pain was different. He got on me and pinned me down. "You dare confront me you little bitch!" He gripped my wrists and held them above my head.

The pain in my abdomen was getting worse. I struggled to get free. But he was stronger than me. I felt dizzy from the pain. 

"It hurts, let me go," I cried. "It hurts so, much."

"As I care," he said. "I will show you that I can do as I pleased." I winced and felt my eyes become blurry.

"Ah Doryu!" Druk rushed in and pushed him off. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Do not interfere," he said. "You hate demons why are you defending this woman?"

"She's a woman," she said. "Regardless if I don't like demons, I am not about to let you hurt her. You sick bastard don't think I don't know about your ways forcing women to sleep with you."

"You agreed with me earlier," he said. "About me taking the mother."

"You thought I was serious?" Druk said. "You are an idiot."

"Ah!" I screamed out and held my stomach. "It hurts so much! Drakor!"

"What did you do?" Druk knelt down. "Ah, she's bleeding."

"Kanna!" Drakor walked in. "Ah, what are you two doing?!" He growled and walked over. "Why is she bleeding?"

"I will be honest," Druk said. "Doryu tried to take her, and I was passing by when I saw him. But I don't know what he did to make her bleed like this."

"You little," Drakor growled. "I will kill you."

I heard a commotion as if they were fighting. "Ah!" 

"Enough!" Druk yelled. "She's in pain! Call someone that knows about this!"

"She's having a miscarriage," Draco walked in. "Sorry, Drakor."

"What?" Drakor knelt down and picked me up. He laid me in bed. "But, she's not pregnant."

"She must be," Draco said. "Or she wouldn't be bleeding like that. I will call someone. Druk takes Doryu to the den; I will; deal with him later."

"If it is a miscarriage," Druk said. "What will happen to Doryu?"

"He will get punished," Draco said. "And Drakor will decide what punishment to give him."

"You can't do this," Doryu said.

"Shut up," Draco said. "I will not let you continued to tarnish our reputation with your stupid ways. Druk, take him."

Druk nod and pushed Doryu out.

"Kanna," Drakor held my hand. "Hold on."

I closed my eyes wanting the pain to go away.

And I woke up to voices.

"So, she lost the baby?" I heard Drakor asked.

"No," a woman said. "She is lucky, the baby is fine, but she cannot get up for a while. She must remain in bed and eat healthy food, such as fruits and vegetables. No stressing her out or anything."

"Okay," Drakor sighed. "But what caused this?"

"She received a blow to the stomach," she said. "She has a bruise forming; it's like someone kicked her."

"That bastard," he said. "Thank you."

"Oh and no sex," the woman said.

Drakor groaned

I sense someone sits next to me. "Kanna?"

"Hmm," I looked at him. "I'm sorry, I provoke him. I slapped him, and he returns it. And well, I jumped him and he threw me down and kicked me. But he started it."

"Relax," he said. "You can't be stressing out like that." I nod and sighed.

"Sorry," I smiled.

"How is it that you are pregnant?" He asked. "I thought you were taking the teas?"

"I must've had forgot to take them," I said. "With my family being here I got caught up and forgot. I guess you got your wish."

He sighed. "I didn't want it like this; I didn't want to force you to have a child." I held his hand and kissed it.

"It's okay," I said. "If I didn't lose the baby it's meant survive." I yawned. 

"Eat something before you fall asleep," I said.

I nodded and sat up. Drakor helped me. "Thanks." I leaned back. "What will happen to Doryu?"

"I will punish him," he said. "But I am not sure what to implied on him. It has to be something that will make him learn his lesson."

"Oh," Drakor held a bowl soup and fed me. "Thanks." I swallowed. "Is there a way to blocked his dragon?"

"No," he said. "There isn't I wish there were."

"We demon know away," I said. "I'm blocking my demon. And it's only a spell that my mother placed on me. She can place it on him. And maybe the only way to break it if he learns to respect women and then he has to find love."

"Sounds good," he said. "I will ask your, mother. And I will send for her early in the morning. She will be worried. I send her a message with a guard. But I made sure to tell her not to rush that it was late."

"Thanks," I said. "I think, Doryu isn't a bad guy, he doesn't know how to love. I am sure he will find love someday, and I forgive him."

"You are too kind," he said. "Now then finish eating. Then get some sleep."

I nod.

I am pregnant. And Kan isn't so happy about it. But there is nothing we can do. We have to protect our child from anyone.

I smiled and placed my hand on my belly. I wonder if it'll be a boy or girl. A boy would be cute; he will look like Drakor.

But will it be a full dragon or demon? Or half?

There are so, many questions. We will have to wait until the baby is born.






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