Drakor: Chapt.21: Grumpy Elders

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"Doryu," I glare. "Stay away from Kanna's mother. I know that look. You will only use her for your desires. And I won't allow it. She has suffered enough."

"I was only going to have her once," Doryu said. "She is a beauty. I have heard the demons female have such great bodies and beauty. And it's true."

"I'm warning you once," I said. "Stay away from Taisha."

"Whatever," he said.

"Shes only a demon," Druk said. "Let him have his fun."

I crushed the silver wine cup. "You are making Drakor angry. " Draco said. "Do not worry Doryu will not go near her, understood?"

"Yeah," Doryu glared.

I sighed. "I was planning on letting you all meet Kanna later, but that didn't happen."

"She's a very," Druk taps her chin. "Open minded and brave girl. She wasn't afraid to stand up to us."

"And I can tell why you fell for her," Draco said. "She is a pretty thing."

"Mhm," I smiled. "And Kanna all mine. I already bed her and done everything to her."

"We do not need to know," Druk said. "We don't want to hear how you fucked her."

I growled. "You three are too grumpy. Not enough sleep?"

"They haven't gotten laid," Josiah walked in. "Am I right?"

"Ah little Josiah," Druk smiled. "Maybe you could help me."

"Sorry," he said. "But I am taken. And I am not about to ruin it again."

"I see," Druk sighed. "I'll have to find someone else."

"How will you three be here for?" I asked.

"After the festival," Draco said. "Or never."

"You'll leave," I said. "I don't want you three here. All you'll do is complain. Anyways your rooms are ready. I know you three like your privacy. So you'll be in one of the dens."

"Thank you," Druk said. "A place where I can be myself. And don't worry we know where to go." She stood. "I could use a small nap before dinner."

"Yeah," Draco and Doryu stood as well. "Send for us when dinner is ready. Also, our guards give them rooms. They sleep in their human's forms."

"Sure," I watched them go. I sighed.

"They are grumpy," Josiah said. "It'll be nothing but complains for the next few days."

"Aha," I rub my temple. "Josiah I want you to stay close to Kanna's mother. If Doryu approaches, her, do not leave her side even if he orders you to leave them alone. Tell him they are my orders. Understood?"

"Understood," he said. "Kanna won't be so, happy about that."

"I think she already knows," I said. "She gave a warning to Doryu. So yeah, I don't want Kanna to go demonic on Doryu."

"Afraid he will hurt her," Josiah said.

"No," I said. "Its the other way around. Kanna isn't afraid. She will claw his eyes out."

"But she hasn't seen a dragon," Josiah said. "She could get frightened."

"I will show her soon," I said. "For now, do as I day."

He nods.

I sat there and stared at the ground. I am even more stressed out than before.

I need Kanna here to help me. But she was out I will have to wait until she comes back.

She came back at around noon but alone. "Where are your mother and brother?"

"They stayed with Miss Rain," she said. "And they'll be staying the night and possibly moving in with her." She sat on my lap smiling.

"You seem happy about it," I said.

"Aha," she leaned against me. "It means I don't have to worry about that Doryu and that knight going after my mother."

I kissed her head. "That's good. I also order Josiah to look after her. I won't let Doryu get near her."

"Thanks," she smiled. "You look stress. Want me to help you relax like last night."

I thought about it. "No, I only want to hold you. So stay here for a while."

"Okay," she smiled.

I stroke her hair. Her scent soothes me. She is all I need. "Your tail is out."

"I know," she looked at me. "Its been happening a lot. She wants to come out, but I can't let her."

"What if you let her out," I said. "And I let Kor out, and maybe he can tame her."

"Maybe," she sat up. "I do want to see the dragon. When can I?"

"Now if you want,"I said. "Maybe not the elders will be waking up soon. And I don't want them roaming around making the guards uncomfortable."

She giggled. "I thought they were old and wrinkly."

"Nah," I smiled. "The three don't want to age."

"Are any of them marry?" She asked.

"Draco and Doryu no," I said. "But Druk yes, she was married but lost her husband and her child."

"Oh," Kanna sighed. "Let me guess the attack?" I nod. "Its why she's the most grumpy of the three."

"Yup," I smooth her hair down. "She swore she would avenge them. That she will find the demon that killed them."

"That demon could be dead," she said. "A lot of them were killed."

"Killed?" I frowned. "What do you mean?"

She sighed. "I'm not sure, but a lot of demons died randomly. And that included my father. He was chosen by the king to go somewhere, and he died."

"That is strange," I said. "How did you father die?"

"Head cut off," she said. "We got his body with his head detached. It was a horrific thing to see. My mother couldn't sleep for a while. And it wasn't just my father; other bodies were like that too. It was like they got silenced. Whatever happened the king didn't want anyone else to know."

"Hmm," I frowned. "I have a feeling those demons were the ones that attacked along with the humans. It's possible they were silent. I am worried that your father was involved."

She shook her head. "If he was, it was against his will. The king can force someone to do whatever he wants. Such as kill. Plus when my father accepts the offer, we got a significant amount of money. So I'm guessing he did it to support us. Our kingdom isn't stable it's horrible, and the king doesn't do anything to help the lower class. All he and his wealthy members do is drink and eat."

"Kanna," I sat up straight. "What did he do to you? I want to know."

She leaned closer. "All that man did is used me as a toy. He would touch me and make me get in different positions to see my body. But he never penetrated me. He would only smack my bottom and dress me up. And then the torture happened. He would cut my body but never too thick."

I held her. "That bastard."

"And well, he pierced me," she said. "It wasn't just my clit." I frowned. "You haven't noticed because Kan healed them. But he did pierce my nipples. And my hips."

"Ah," I now have a reason to kill him.

Kanna lowers her straps exposing her breasts. "See." I rubbed one of her nipples and leaned closer. I could see it. The hole that was just a scar now. But it wasn't that visible. I suckle on it. "Drakor." I lifted her dress up and over her head. I looked at her hips and saw two small dots that look like moles.

"I will kill him," I said. "And no one is going to stop me."

I pulled her to me.

That king has his days counted.





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