Wake up!

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This is a Highschool story ofc,Also in this one


Dont forget that..

Ive also changed some of the personalities they have so they would fit in

lets commence shall we?


''Hey Nightmare!''

'Leave me alone..' I shifted around my bed

''WAKE UP!'' Someone shouted next to my ear making me sit up ''What!?'' I yelled looking at the one who yelled.

it was Dream , My brother.

''Its time for our first day at our new school!'' he responded smiling at me which i was obviously frustrated.

This is annoying... I just wanted a day of peace.. I groaned lying down for a bit ''What time do we go to school?'' i asked sitting up again ''In about 45 minutes..'' he responded going towards my door.

i got up and followed him getting ready.

i took a bath wore my usual clothes, A black shirt, Black jacket, some jeans and went down to meet my brother making toast.

''Here ya go'' He said giving me a plate with 3 toasts ''Thanks''

i wasnt really getting lazy on stuff on going to school, Even if i hate it im practically being forced to go to school.

Also my gang moved over to this school so they could join the fun i could possibly be in.

Dream went over to take a bath

i looked over at the clock near the kitchen


''We still got 20 minutes Dream!'' I yelled from the door pulling out my phone ''Yeah give me a few minutes!'' I heard him yell from upstairs

I started to chat my friends

Sent at 7:12am

N&M: You guys already finished up?

Kills: Yeah im done.

Horror: Same here.

Duster: yep im done aswell.

N&M: How about Error?

Horror: He isnt responding which is kinda off.

Killer: But he is checking the chat tho

N&M: Alright, Maybe the highway would be a nice spot to see each other. Off.

I turned my phone off placing it in my pockets looking at the stairs ''Hey Dream! cmon your taking awhile! What are you a girl?''

Once i said that i heard footsteps aproaching to where i was

''Im done!'' Dream said panting as i examined what he was wearing

He was wearing a White shirt and some jeans the same as mine,and a yellow scarf on his neck and a yellow hat

''Lets go then'' I said looking at the clock again


I walked outside with Dream following me

once we reached the highway which was nearby the school i saw the others there chatting

''Hey Nightmare!'' I heard Killer, looks like he caught me.

I walked towards them and waved ''Hey'' I responded with little care.

''You had breakfast?''Horror asked ''Well from the looks of it, You look like you have not eaten a single thing and had slept for half an hour'' He chuckled.

''Yes i have eaten and no i did not stay late.'' I said taking a deep breath ''Lets just go before we get late..''

We started heading for the school


Imma make the next one in a day or two..

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